visual riddle

what would be title of this photograph?
What could you do with your tongue?

quel est le titre de cette photo?
que pourriez vous faire avec la langue?

la langue

la langue

Reading – by (lecture – par ) LI Shan

瘋狂中產化 la folie de gentrification

la/e proprietaire de ce petit magasin a affiché des mots en criant

惩治腐败 pénaliser ceux qui donnent le pot-de-vin
保护业主 protéger les propriétaires

les affiches se trouvent dans le quartier de l’ancienne concession française.

quel prix on paye, tous au nom de développement?



impressions de la Chine 中國印象

J’ai deux citations en anglais que j’aimerais vous partager…
La première est des impressions d’un amérologue vivant à Pékin.
La deuxième fait parti de la revue d’un livre qui s’appelle ‘When a Billion Chinese Jump’ par Jonathan Watts.

Alors, vous pouvez discuter, rejeter, accepter des opinions exprimées en inventant vos commentaires. Les idées présentées me font réfléchir beaucoup, de la vérité trise et drôle en même temps.

quotable quotes of the week:

from an american who has been in China for a year

China is like the US in the 1950s, cuz there are:
– well defined gender roles
– people smoking everywhere and anywhere (reads indoors)
– the very strong sense of patriotism
– the economic boom

2nd quote comes from Kaiser Kuo from the printed version of the August 2010 issue of The Beijinger, in which his book review of ‘When a Billion Chinese Jump’ (by Jonathan Watts) writes:

“China, as I’ve heard it argued, is like a man who’s suffered malnutrition for decades, arriving at last at a sumptuous banquet only to be told by the other guests – all of whom have been gorging for hours and suffer from obesity, gout, hypertension and diabetes – that he mustn’t eat meat, sweets, or dairy products and should stick to a low-carb vegetarian diet. And then, to add insult to injury, when the bill comes, the others all insist that they should evenly divide the bill.”

Politics and sentiments aside, these observations and analogies do get me thinking. Aren’t you agreeing with me at least on that? Try apply that book
review quote on the failure of Copenhagen COP 15 last year, the larger international environmental landscape, as well as financial crisis… hmmm I haven’t been able to spot any contradiction from the statements made. It gotta be some kinda natural law LOL.

How about something morbid on Friday the thirteen?

An exhibition in Beijing titled Hypnosis by Christian Lemmerz. I don’t know what you can see secondarily through these pics. It wasn’t really hypnotising for me as it was a hot and smoggy day in Beijing when I visited. The adequate air-conditioning of the gallery was a temporary relief for me though. The exhibit would be creepier if the showroom was changed to a darkroom, but then it won’t be hypnosis then. Have a uneventful 13th hahaahaaa!

Hypnosis by Christian Lemmerz , Beijing Aug 2010

Hypnosis by Christian Lemmerz , Beijing Aug 2010

errr a closer look , 百無禁忌啊

errr a closer look , 百無禁忌啊

converging theme…

 Two cities, two exhibits, two diverging presentations – one is a “live” artist-audience interaction, separated through the glass window only, the other is a collection of revealing photographs and handwritten testimony – and one converging theme – sex/prostitution.

黃潔宜 《撮合人人發生(正)不正當的關係》 "la- pí tiáo" by Kit-Yi WONG @ Woofer Ten活化廳

黃潔宜 《撮合人人發生(正)不正當的關係》 "la- pí tiáo" by Kit-Yi WONG @ Woofer Ten活化廳

in Hong Kong above and

in Beijing below:

handwritten testimony of a call girl

handwritten testimony of a call girl

in words and in photos

revealing pic 1

revealing pic 1


revealing pic 2

revealing pic 2

now my question to you:

How would we interpret these two exhibits? using our prejudice moral yardstick?