kamikaze-ly Krazy

kamikaze  神風敢死隊

kamikaze 神風敢死隊

i like Symphony Space in New York City, especially their Wall to Wall musical events. Fittingly, even though I haven’t been back in NYC for a while, I am still on their email list. Strangely a few days ago, I go this promotional email about an event with the word “kamikaze” in it. I don’t speak Japanese but the only nanosecond synaptic association I have is for the suicide attacks by the Japanese in WWII. Now maybe it has been sixty plus years so people’s sentiment changed, or became ignorant or got indifferent, it just seems insensitive to me a group name its acts using such a word. The actions of these suicidal pilots decades could be labelled heroic or demonic depending on whose side you are on. This event for me is simply bad-taste but Ms Westwood now has company.

kamikaze? 神風敢死隊? ai ya ya

kamikaze? 神風敢死隊? ai ya ya

誰是阿爺?who’s grandpa?

Wilson Shieh 石家豪 (www.wilsonshieh.com) a parodié plusieurs personnages chinois parmi des sphères de politique, de showbiz, etc. Cette fois, un organigramme des dirigeants chinois sur un tableau!

“Qui est grand-père?”, lit le grand titre. Un euphémisme pour ceux qui tiennt de vrai pouvoir! Même si la prochaine direction complète entre en fonction 100% bientôt en 2013, en remplaçant le courrant prémier ministre, par exemple, l’humeur caracaturé va durer long temps.

誰是阿爺? www.wilsonshieh.com  石家豪

http://www.wilsonshieh.com 石家豪
