La Jaula de Oro (The Golden Dream)

films on immigrants will not be going out of style anytime soon in the 21st century even though we are almost through with the second decade.

why? people flee their homes because of economic difficulties, violence, war, environmental devastation etc. will continue to do so in foreseeable future, despite all the agreements, treaties and protocols signed.

La Jaula de Oro (Director: Diego Quemada-Díez, 2013) is the latest one i saw. a few teenagers from guatemala trying to ride the freight trains North to fulfill their golden dream. there were good people throwing fruits up to the dehydrated migrants on the slow moving train. unfortunately, more often the travelers were robbed, often at gunpoint. real cinema, real story, sad future that repeats.

embryo rice n okra

embryo rice soaked overnight then steamed, garnished with cheese,  salmon stir-fried and okra with turmeric

ingredients that aren’t extravagant, but if one takes the time to mix and match, from start to finish the cooking takes less than 40 minutes (mostly waiting for the rice, the stir fries took less than 10 min)

with food safety in people’s mind all the time, how often you invest your time and energy to secure your own?


de cochon à calligraphie

Ce que j’ai publié hier documente le gaspillage comme d’habitude dans des marchés des fleurs pour le nouvel an lunaire.  Il y avait un parade la première soirée du nouvel an, dont les voitures sont montrés dans une fête à New Territories pendant 2 semaines.


cochon comme thème d’année



La chasse pour la meilleure calligraphie annuale finit par les deux photos ici, avec les boutiques qui ont indiqué que leur année recommençait au 10e et au 7e jour respectivement.    今年見到最靚的書法是年初一半夜四、五更時拍到灣仔泰華木業初十啟市這張通告









