物以類聚 7 , separated at birth VII


廢物做的,日曬雨淋巨無霸 made from scrap metal

北京某處的巨無霸 機械人 one gigantic robot in Beijing

北京某處的巨無霸 機械人 one gigantic robot in Beijing

this huge robot stands as an outdoor installation in Beijing

metallic trunk 金屬的身軀

metallic trunk 金屬的身軀

big foot 大腳八

big foot 大腳八

近距離一看 take a closer look

近距離一看 take a closer look

比較兩千公里以南,張美仙畫的高達 mirroring Cheung Mei Sin’s version of Gundam, some two thousand miles to the South.

高達 Gundam

高達 Gundam

Un humanoïde gigantesque, froid et triste, contre l’autre encadré, bariolé et radiant, deux interprétations distinctes vous disent quoi? 兩種表達方法對諸君有何啟示?

more “separated at birth” 更多“物以類聚” les anciens “qui se ressemble s’assemble”:

1), 2), 3), 4), 5)

quelle beauté

after all those years
it’s still on the streets
free from vandalism
and random graffiti

what a beauty 1

what a beauty 1

parked, blended in not attracting attention
but beauty liberates free



not extremely clean
nor sparklingly flash

ain’t it runs well
after all those years

古董靚車  what a car 3

古董靚車 what a car 3

Charlie Quan 人頭稅

關祥國 Charlie Quan 是我在滿地可(蒙特利爾)Montréal 做社區工作的時候從關於賠償人頭稅的個案是認識的一個名字。當然也得拜Karen Cho (周凱倫)的 In The Shadow of Gold Mountain (某臺灣影展翻譯:影子的告白)

長者的離逝就像是一個時代的終結。然而這些第二、三、四、五代等等的加拿大華裔無隔膜的生活於主流社會的同時,有多少人知道歧視在太平洋這邊還是此起彼落呢? 大家想想離鄉別井的外傭吧。



關祥國1923年靠著叔父免息借給他的500元,繳交人頭稅由中國廣東來到加國,並投靠在沙省開餐館的叔父,當時他只有16歲。 後來遷移至卑詩省生活。

Charlie Quan 關祥國

Charlie Quan 關祥國

Gac Filipaj, janitor and now Columbia graduate

A friend of mine questioned me the significance of a janitor from Columbia University, Gac Filipaj, who graduated with a Bachelor degree in Classics after taking 14 credits per year in the morning while holding his full time job in the afternoon into the wee hours in the morning.

custodian Gac Filipaj  at work

custodian Gac Filipaj at work

It’s inspirational because he presevered and took advantaged of free tuition offered to employeees and studied over a span of twelve years. A decade to finish this academic project, how could one not paying any respect!

Gac Filipaj congratulated by boss

Gac Filipaj congratulated by boss

I also read from from news sources that he was making US$28 an hour. Two things came to my mind immediately for comparaison. Firstly, in Hong Kong employeers and business owners bitched about how the minimum wage, implemented since May 2011, hurt their businesses. While I don’t know the exact minimum wage in New York, probably 9 or 10 US$, HK’s stands at less than US$4 (HK$28). Secondly, I recall student newspaper of City University of Hong Kong documented the Uni’s practice of moving a three-shift (8 hour each) day to a two-shift (12 hour each) arrangements for security guards. That compounded with the fact that another university outsourced the sanitation work to save money, make me think and rethink progress or the lack of in various industrialized economies. Sure there are people living in poverty, but Hong Kong businesses have some learning to catch up in treating the lower-paid employees.

Filipaj among graduates

Filipaj among graduates

Tremblement de terre au Sichuan 2008 四川地震

汶川地震四周年,一年多前看的展覽震撼力猶在! 這列火車一瞬間化成廢鐵!

L’exposition apellée ‘Tunnel d’espoir’, réalisée par Zhang Huan accordée au tremblement de terre au Sichuan du 12 mai 2008.

張洹 希望隧道 Hope Tunnel – Zhang Huan

張洹 希望隧道 Hope Tunnel – Zhang Huan

張洹  希望隧道 Hope Tunnel - Zhang Huan

張洹 希望隧道 Hope Tunnel – Zhang Huan

張洹 希望隧道 Hope Tunnel – Zhang Huan

張洹 希望隧道 Hope Tunnel – Zhang Huan

張洹 希望隧道 Hope Tunnel – Zhang Huan

張洹 希望隧道 Hope Tunnel – Zhang Huan

張洹 希望隧道 Hope Tunnel – Zhang Huan

張洹 希望隧道 Hope Tunnel – Zhang Huan

張洹 希望隧道 Hope Tunnel – Zhang Huan

張洹 希望隧道 Hope Tunnel – Zhang Huan

Would the survivors of the Sichuan earthquake in 2008 get closer to their “hope tunnel”?

droits de scolarité québec 2012

Just when I thought I’ve written enough about comparative student protests prior to and surrounding the anniversary of 4th May,

protests separated by a century  相隔一世紀的學潮

protests separated by a century 相隔一世紀的學潮

reading the contre-propositions from La Coalition large de l’Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante (CLASSE) and la Fédération étudiante collégiale (FECQ) et la Fédération étudiante universitaire du Québec (FEUQ) is becoming more intriguing for me.

CLASSE said what many adults and politicans dare NOT – taxing the financial institutions, in order to help geler the fees. One of my friends once said that few, if any politicans have the guts to take on the banks. Given the latter are the true culprit crises after crises, taxing them might not be a bad idea, only if the provincial and Federal governments are still vertebrates though!

mouvement d’étudiants en mai 2012 的 五月學潮

Le mouvement du 4 mai il y a plus d’une centaine ans en Chine. L’autre côté de l’Océan Pacifique, au Québec, les étudiants et les militants sont toujours dans les rues de Montréal, mais pour une cause différente et plus étroite – celle de les droits de scolarité. Québec a depuis longtemps les frais de scolarités plus bas en Amérique du Nord, sinon parmi les pays occidentaux ou industrialisés. Néanmoins, le gouvernement de Jean Charest a commencé la hausse de moins de 2000 par an jusqu’à 4000 par an, prévue dans cinq ou six ans.

Cela incite des manifs après manifs partout dans la belle province.
Une occasion pour les partis d’opposition à en profitent aussi.

manif  à MTL  2012 年 滿地可/蒙特利爾的學生運動 (1)

manif à MTL 2012 年 滿地可/蒙特利爾的學生運動 (1)

manif  à MTL  2012 年 滿地可/蒙特利爾的學生運動 (2)

manif à MTL 2012 年 滿地可/蒙特利爾的學生運動 (2)

manif  à MTL  2012 年 滿地可/蒙特利爾的學生運動 (3)

manif à MTL 2012 年 滿地可/蒙特利爾的學生運動 (3)


les étudiants dans la rue pour le 9ème soir 學生們連續第九晚上街

les étudiants dans la rue pour le 9ème soir 學生們連續第九晚上街

la Coalition large de l’Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante (CLASSE) 已提出如停留在2007年度學費甚至五年內全面學費。如再加上其它不同的學生聯盟和組織,甚至魁北克省大學校長會或教育局五花八門的意見,你一言,我一語,相信在這學年徹底解決問題難度甚高。 筆者有朋友的媽媽於六十年代在紐約市立大學City University of New York(間稱 CUNY,共有二十多間行政上獨立的成員書院)讀書是免費的!這優惠到七十年代紐約市的經濟危機時期才半永久地擱置至今。魁北克大學生學費這問題,將是個揮不去燙手山芋!

May Day 2012

Labour Day, what rights would you fight for?

immigrants? women? anarchists? Squatters? Homelessness? Ethnic minorities? Cultural diversity? parents? children? indigenous peoples?

May Day is NOT simply about workers’ rights any more! Pick and choose your cause from some posters flying high at one of the most progressive bookstore/community space in Vancity:

what causes? 關心那樣的議題?

what causes? 關心那樣的議題?


