obituary《穿Kenzo的女人》的 kenzo

kenzo takada

這篇應該是先於pierre cardin的弔文,名人(與否)接二連三逝去,2020長長名單像無空間再談別的事情。 我不追求名牌,也不懂時裝。第一次知道kenzo這人和這品牌,是讀鄧小宇寫的《穿Kenzo的女人》 。這書告知我甚麼是中產,yuppie香港人崇尚的日本、法國文化。在pierre cardin紀錄片看見高田 賢三kenzo takada也許是偶然。到今天我仍然不會跑潮流,但因kenzo san 影響衍生出來的想像和文字,錢瑪莉 mary chin的bitchiness, 倒潤澤了我大學時消閒閱讀的歲月。

i didnt mean this obit to be after that of pierre cardin, nor i expected one for cardin when i watched a documentary two weeks ago. it seems so many people, famous or not (who meant something remotely to me) pass on this year that leaves little time nor mood for writing anything else. i learnt the dated, 80s(?) acronym "yuppie" aka young urban professionals, very indirectly through a chinese novel with kenzo as part of its title. pour quelqu’un qui suit pas du tout la mode, un roman qui s’appelle 《une femme qui porte Kenzo》(de chinois:《穿Kenzo的女人》)m’a introduit un monde étranger bien intéressant – la (vie) bourgeoisie, les cultures japonaise et française, etc. même si je ne partage pas des valeurs de la consommation. merci monsieur couturier kenzo d’avoir enrichi cet écrivain peter dunn siu-yue, lui enfin m’a fourni du divertissement épistolaire dans mes années universitaires

pierre cardin

par hasard je viens juste de voir le documentaire "house of cardin" il y a une semaine. il n’est plus, deux ans moins de son centenaire. il est parmi des premiers qui ont percé le marché chinois. une carrière longue et variée, entouré de talents qu’ il a découverts.

模擬電視 停播 analogue to digital

i mentioned there will be more obituary blog entries before the end of 2020, so here is one, a detour from lifeforms, but nevertheless a legit one. the complete switching from analogue to digital tv in hong kong on 1 dec 2020. it was insignificant, except for telecommunication / media fanatics. so here are some screen shots and videos. by the way, the government expressed the bandwidth released would be use for other stuff like 5g. am i mistaken or are we another step closer to IoT tracking what, where and when you buy / consume products and services? gee!

rthk 講緊哲學

pearl winding down analogue with some historical drama

港台 模擬電視訊號變雪花一刻
rthk analogue signal off

模擬電視 停播雖然沒有甚麼大不了,始終手痕友般作個記錄。騰出來的頻譜聽說會方便用於其它通訊服務,但將會是服務小市民,定係大財團不分晝夜“個人化消費”行蹤的監控呢? 大家拭目以待。

el sexo en los tiempos de corona

year 2020 coming to an end, with the constant reminder od social distancing, many festivities dim their lights or have them outright distinguished, like this sex shop, situated in a business district steps from a few hotels. perhaps only tourists are liberated enough to experiment with toys? fiestas no,el sexo no jajaja la normalidad nueva durante corona!




五夜講場 – 文學放得開 2020:今夕林夕


五夜講場 – 哲學有偈傾 2020:夕爺無限好


五夜講場 – 歷史係咁話 2020:相愛也未算萬能