salud en los tiempos de la corona


plastic forceps, dressing tray, sterile field, non woven sponges… these things have been repeatedly consumed for the past six months on my dad, during the two hospitalizations and as well as the many community health nurses’ at-home follow-up services. owing to his old age, my dad did not have his gallbladder removed since he had this acute inflammation and fever in early November 2019. If he were 15 years or more younger, the surgeons would have removed that gallstone generating organ without second though, as i deduced simply by eavesdropping his ward neighbour. fortunately for him, that organ is apparently back to functioning after prolonged external tube draining, wound-dressing, etc. just one and a half week short of 6 months. if there is any advice for those of you have a weakness for unhealthy, greasy, low-fiber, dehydrated daily diet, my blunt and my-own-dad-tormented advice is DROP YOUR BAD HABITS WHILE YOU ARE STILL YOUNG(ER) AND SANE. it not only hurts your eventual caretakers, in this case mostly  my mom, and part-time-wise, me, additionally it will make taking any remedial actions almost impossible, as in my father’s case who has alzheimers and his stubborn,  deranged perceptions of his own well being or the lack of therein really has been painful and brings anguish to everyone involved. he gets a break now until his bad habits get the better of him in a few years time.

花 、fleurs、 華


大吉大利 大

From those tangerines of unbelievable bargin that I didn’t took in for the Ram year, I did menage to recuperated a bouquet worth of flowers from the street, as one of joyful by-standers when passers-by spotted a grad-opening of a store/office (I dont know to-this-date what it was) was throwing away, or at least letting people take home all those flowers delievered to their doorsteps just hours before.
quel fleur colore' Photography

Trashed after an hour or so of spotlight, they are now in a vase, on a table, for an extended fortnight of their lifespan.
une composition interessante

adieu 2014

Le dernier article 2014 est consacré pour deux personnes qui m’ont quitté.

Giuseppe from Long Island.
A big guy with a kind heart.
I wouldn’t even want to ask if his mom out-lived him, for sure he died young.
I will miss the late night conversations at his home-office over trashy TV programs, and at times pizza and beer.
I will miss his calm and composted recollection of personal setbacks and joy. I could never have his patience!
I will miss his sympathetic ear.
I will miss tales of his childhood adventures, poking fun with other kids and cousins.
I will miss the jucier-than-daytime-drama-gossips as told by him hehe.

I hope you are happy where you are mio amico!

ma tante ainée


一輪準備儀式後 唱詩歌的就位
親戚亦坐下 朗頌、唱詩
燦爛人生 簡單落幕 點點情懷 銘記於心

D’ailleurs, le monde en 2014 n’était pas si heureux, trois vols reliés de la Malaisie ont été écrasés. La révolution des parapluies n’a pas encore porté de fruits. Les plusieurs fusillades concernant des jeunes afro-americains qui se sont produites ironiquement sous le premier président américain noir!

On tourne la page, espérant que 2015 sera mieux!


quelques fleurs à 3h du matin 凌晨三點的花兒


桃花 peach flowers

桃花 peach flowers

à 3 heures du matin, ils restent des fleurs de pêcher pour moins de $HK100. Moi j’ai ramassé quelques liliacées pour un plein $HK20, pas pire à commencer noctuellement l’an du dragon.

剩下的花不多 not much left at 3am

剩下的花不多 not much left at 3am

乾貨攤 還價 last call  for non perishable goods

乾貨攤 還價 last call for non perishable goods


七月一號對我來說是一個永遠改變了日子。外婆(兩星期前去世後,昨、今兩天是她的喪禮. 七月一號更加是她的大殮的日子。

六月三十號下午在殯儀館那些法師已開始念經。快而且久不久像和唱般的重複使人要十分集中精神,有一位助手便是十多分鐘便走來我們看著經文的子孫之前再“指”導我們念到那裡。仔細地看經文的話,某些段落是頗傷感的。婆婆身體不好已一段時間,離開大概是對身邊的子孫的解脫。過去這一年,她連媽媽也認不出來。其實最近早婆婆幾個月我的萍姨媽已先走一步。還有三月份我一位在蒙特利爾的法國友人Gabrielle(對,她總是覺得自己是法國人,雖然她移民加拿大的魁北克省不下十年)。 幸好Gabrielle的姐姐在病重的時候聯繫上我,在他臨終前兩星期通了一通電話。
