國泰 餐牌 1970s menu de cathay

書展裏瞥見國泰航空七十年代的餐牌,除了英文外竟然有點造作之餘加了法文。中文係殖民時代是否欠奉是常態就不得而知。我倒是好奇這班連名稱皆印到餐牌上的 ” compassion tour group ” 乃何方神聖?另一張海報的亞洲女郎活像是蘇絲黃的世界跳出來一樣,嘴藐藐的但洗不掉那種西人對東方的迷戀。

à quoi ça sert le menu en français dans un vol de cathay pacific dans des années 70s? les lettres en MAJUSCULE de taille plus GRAND que celles en anglais, cela rend l’office québécois de la langue française jaloux hahaha. néaumoins, c’était un vol entre tokyo et hong kong, deux villes qui tiennent aucune relation francophone. la fille qui apparaît dans une autre affiche rappelle une caricature datée d’époque suzie wong!

menu de cathay 1970s 年代 國泰 餐牌
cathay souvenir menu

2nd anniversary 6-12 兩週年


hong kong as a police state 警察話事的香港

叫/寫 香港加油 也犯法? shouting/showing the slogan “hong kong add oil” alone is guilty?

those questioning “one country two systems” is out of shape are deemed as enemy of the state. 覺得一國兩制走了樣的人就被打成叛國者

那就等著看遠一點,看看誰是愛國的。一般市民還是離地權貴。 so let’s wait and see if the average layperson or the oligarch is more patriotic.

歲晚收爐至另行通告?temporarily closed til god knows when


neither typhoon signal number ten nor the prolific social movement of 2019 can barely touch upon the religiously capitalistic machinery of hong kong. then came covid-19, who made a steady and rapid ascent with the year of the rat, and like stepping on brakes did it achieve in sabotaging the capitalistic rat race with just a few dozens of cases and counting, in february 2020. whether it is tcm clinic, restaurant, bank or pharmacy, their branches in this shopping arcade which serves also as a ferry terminal to mainland china and macao decided to temporarily close the doors until perhaps the community outbreak of the virus retreats, if their leases last that long. what perplexed me was the lie a few of the notices posted “renovation” as the pretext, what were the management thinking? it wasn’t the company’s fault, but external, uncontrollable circumstances that require cost-cutting measures. if there is anything, it makes me think thrice about the integrity of these corporations for if they need a pretext foe something they didn’t do, imagine when they really make an error or put their customers in harms way, they probably would find tons of excuses to rid themselves of responsibility! so consumers beware, separating the good crops from the rotten few in the time of covid-19.

送你條尾 extradition mon oeil

康有為 胡志明 孫中山 斯諾登以及其他許許多多這百多年來足跡遍佈香港嘅人,不論他們甚麼身份-革命家、知識分子、有良知的人、國父  加上更多無明但又係佢哋拯救世界之時路過香港的英雄 。這些在他們年代獨當一面的人物,想想現代的香港要政治打壓引導他們去別處受審?只能講句『送你條尾』!

rattrapant sur le sujet de l’extradition dans les derniers articles, je vous montre ces quartre noms parmi des nombreux

kang you wei, sun yat sen, ho chi minh, edward snowden

tous ces hommes, et plusieurs femmes et hommes connu-es et inconnu-es de leurs ères, ont changé pour le mieux le monde. tu me dirais l’extradition de hong kong à l’heure actuelle?  j’ai deux mots pour toi – mon oeil!

bloodily shot, a sad and sober reminder

the girl who lost the right eye to a bean bag round  shot by the hong kong  police on 11 August 2019 finally gathered some energy to give a brief statement. a lot of public anger in the past two weeks calling for “an eye for an eye”.  i can’t imagine the courage and how poised she has been in the video. if i were put into the same situation, traumatized is an understatement.




lots of flyers/artwork also emerged and keep on pumping out on various lennon walls in hong kong. here are a few of the examples.



eye covered:



alluding to street fighters or protesters: 20190830_010107.jpg

another bloodied eye  also appeared on the background towards the right above!


vi iv 30



20190604_221118.jpg三十年 了, 但 人民不會忘記


三民主義 le triple démisme



dans l’epoque où des seigneurs de la guerre ont effectivement partitionné la chine dans les années 1920, cet enregistrement sonore de sun yat sen, promouvant le triple démisme et le texte traduit en français en 1924 documentent une chine au chaos. prèsque un siècle a passé, la vie des gens ordinaire a-t-elle été améliorée? je pense que chacun tient son avis au coeur.

suen wen

花 、fleurs、 華


大吉大利 大

From those tangerines of unbelievable bargin that I didn’t took in for the Ram year, I did menage to recuperated a bouquet worth of flowers from the street, as one of joyful by-standers when passers-by spotted a grad-opening of a store/office (I dont know to-this-date what it was) was throwing away, or at least letting people take home all those flowers delievered to their doorsteps just hours before.
quel fleur colore' Photography

Trashed after an hour or so of spotlight, they are now in a vase, on a table, for an extended fortnight of their lifespan.
une composition interessante