送走 2022 send off


“we are all alone” was a mainland chinese tv series aired on rthk in the month of may, right after my dad’s funeral. what caught my attention were the actress who starred as empress in the very popular “the story of yanxi palace”, the actor godfrey gao who, in real life, had died of cardiac arrest while filming some exercises sequences for a tv show two years earlier. i stuck around for the show not because it was very well written / acted, but by virtue of the lack of heavy patriotism-unlike many of the series shown on rthk of late-and the deaths of the main actor (in real life) and of the series’ third protagonist’s (very apparent) suicide (in the story line, not real life). the one melody and two sets of lyrics / interpretation / singer and the plot of friendship, love and kinship etc. did provide some much needed distraction for me when i was very down. so i bid adios to the bad omens / memories of 2022 with these two songs

《意中人》王子異 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LjfqNgiER0

《怪你過分美麗》顏人中「去愛你」情感版 主題曲 https://youtu.be/iGWMUWe8luU

第三類接觸 close encounter of the third kind

有啲電影睇嚟睇去,都係睇唔明。close encounter of the third kind 第三類接觸 可以說是其中一。

小時候明珠台 http://programme.tvb.com/pearl 可能每一、兩年都會播放一次。話雖是syndication ,但我那時的年紀仍然太小,多年來轉台之間看過亦是不知所云!昨晚pearl又再播放,這麼多年後,焦點竟然落到法國導演 françois truffaut的身上。多謝維基百科,我才知道杜魯福客串了一角。另外令我記憶重新的是john williams的五個音 (first conversation) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AphKxQ2NsQo

(and a longer “conversation”)




五夜講場 – 文學放得開 2020:今夕林夕


五夜講場 – 哲學有偈傾 2020:夕爺無限好


五夜講場 – 歷史係咁話 2020:相愛也未算萬能

le mal de terre en los tiempos de la corona





a seemingly unrelated song on citizen engagement and environmental pollution, but the snapshot of everyone in masks caught my attention and brought us back to the current covid-19 crisis. are our footprints too big that the present and further problems are unavoidable?

if you leave, omd

If you leave
, a number plays its visits from time to time in the airwaves resembling a not-so-distant relative. Whether it’s from the radio or boombox, in the car or at a fast food joint, I always allowed its melody in to my unsuspecting ears.   The music of the electronic 80s never falls out of favour,  I wonder if it has anything to do with the above PG-13 but not risqué at all lyrics.  Two other lame reasons for the song to occupy my brain space in me. Firstly, Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (OMD) has a Merseyside origin, and Liverpool was where I lived away from home for a long period of time (just over a year) the very first time. Secondly, although I have never watched “Pretty in Pink” from the beginning till the end, Molly Ringwald, Andrew McCarthy and Jon Cryer do appear various other works, “Brat Pack” or not, that I like.


tous les soleils

songs from “tous les soleils“, a film  with many italian references make me remember it to this date.  i dunno if i would have the same curiosity if i understand italiano and the various dialects / languages close-by.


“Luna Lunedda” (Pizzica) – La Tarantella: a very boisterous and joyous opening

with italianness exaggerated to hilarious proportions, perhaps to appease the residents of l’hexagone. the story took place in Strasbourg, centered on a professor of classical music to weave  a credulous storyline.

“Silencio d’Amuri” is a rather sad or romantic number towards the end.


quelle fin triste mais egalement musicale

sogna fiore mio

the film reminded me of yves montrand and marcello mastroianni who left their marks in french cinema. how many famous french actresses or actors can perform in spanish or italian anyway?


ps. if u speak italian, can u tell me if any of the songs were sung in dialects or languages other than italian?


講廣東話嘅人(唔單止係香港人)大致上會遇到相同的問題。最近一年依稀記得ouhk 有詹德隆提過嘅問題,又或係以前rthk『反斗英語』danny leung博士呢兩個主攻發音的錄影,對大家又忙又想改善英文應該 頗有用!

如果對北美發音情有獨鍾,可以睇睇 Andy Krieger,一個居於溫哥華,從前幫助加拿大演員講話更美式,從而打進荷里活!儘管美、加英語口音對外行人分別不大,但你我之別、階級觀念呼之慾出!

詹德隆  OUHK – 改善英國語文能力之竅門


梁頌康博士(Dr. Danny Leung)

人如其說:正確的英語發音和流利的英語 ( 第一部分 ) You Are What You SPEAK: Accurate English Pronunciation and Fluent English Speaking (Part 1)


人如其說:正確的英語發音和流利的英語 ( 第二部分 ) You Are What You SPEAK: Accurate English Pronunciation and Fluent English Speaking (Part 2)


Andy Krieger 的 k method

垃圾翻譯 之 蓋特威克

垃圾翻譯 之 蓋特威克

不經意地從電視聽到英國倫敦第二大機場因為無人機要關閉時,『硬耳』地重複又重複聽到乜乜物物機場。唔明白才使我注意睇下係邊到、係咪新嘅機場,又或者第三嘅luton airport已變第二等等。後來才發覺tvb無綫唔用簡單、準確嘅吉域 嚟翻譯gatwick,新、舊媒體中只有明報似樣啲!講廣東話嘅、唔通英文嘅人睇到咁嘅報導真係睇到一舊舊,一頭霧水。


tvb 如是


所謂香港為先嘅 蘋果 亦如是


新嘅媒體 端傳媒、hk01 也如是


只有明報嘅譯名夠地道,吉 域 兩個音 拼出嚟gat wik 跟gatwick 嘅英文串法只差一字母而已!廣東話嘅沒落,呢啲拍馬屁、亂套普通話不倫不類、既長又不達意翻譯嘅媒體都係罪魁禍首!