中秋節 2022 mid autumn festival

來去如風的中秋節過去了,九月尾聲的香港仍然是盛夏般乾煎酷熱。公園賞月的人水泄不通,比病毒折騰久了,不顧一切全家大細出動,前所未見的墟冚! covid or not that was the most i’ve seen such a jam-packed park on any given night during the year. this moon festival broke all personal obversation record for human density there! people really were having some quality time with friends and family while mesmerized by the full moon.

people mountain people sea (cantonese speak) 人山人海
mascots and carrots?

遠處入眼簾的明月 full moon far away

太多人風箏也放不了 / with so many people, no place for kite flying

國泰 餐牌 1970s menu de cathay

書展裏瞥見國泰航空七十年代的餐牌,除了英文外竟然有點造作之餘加了法文。中文係殖民時代是否欠奉是常態就不得而知。我倒是好奇這班連名稱皆印到餐牌上的 ” compassion tour group ” 乃何方神聖?另一張海報的亞洲女郎活像是蘇絲黃的世界跳出來一樣,嘴藐藐的但洗不掉那種西人對東方的迷戀。

à quoi ça sert le menu en français dans un vol de cathay pacific dans des années 70s? les lettres en MAJUSCULE de taille plus GRAND que celles en anglais, cela rend l’office québécois de la langue française jaloux hahaha. néaumoins, c’était un vol entre tokyo et hong kong, deux villes qui tiennent aucune relation francophone. la fille qui apparaît dans une autre affiche rappelle une caricature datée d’époque suzie wong!

menu de cathay 1970s 年代 國泰 餐牌
cathay souvenir menu

yes, we fuck

i will write a non-Chinese language review if time permits and my heart still at it, for the time being u have to settle on imperfect google translate

第二套睇嘅戲係yes, we fuck,內容探討身體不同能力嘅人的性需要 。

from capitalistic middle and uppper class hipster sh*t to civil disobedience rage.

So this has been a weekend loaded with activities I attended haphazrdly. The Kowloon City Bookfair, which is running its 6th annual leg, finally fit into my junky, over-the-head, boisterous music-by-the-habourfront weekend. Organised by young literary connoisseurs, back by a creativity-oriented high school, a think tank, etc., the bookfair is a mélange of talks, roundtables, flea market, mini-bookfair and a mini-concert. Free of charge to everybody, coarse but ever-evolving, it’s what this overcrowded and over-developped city needs if Hong Kong were to slow down and smell some roses, or fresh air!

Thanks to a random gift of kindness, I set foot in West Kowloon waterfront for Clockenflap, probably the last time in a while by the West Kowloon waterfront since constructions will be swung into actions in the coming years.

My previous impression of this “music festival” has been some gweilos replicating rock concerts spiced with burning man. Upon entering I was upset with the overfloated plastic recycle bin with all types of trash. A day later however, a politically charged performance by “my little airport” sort of eased my displeasure. Well, in a non-perfect world, room for improvement is the key!



ole ola, mas nenhuma força

ole ola….

The dust has long settled after the World Cup 2014 in Brazil. Football aside, the theme song and its video really sounded and looked heavily American, albeit international production. So much for Brazil’s backbone of photographing and fingerprinting Americans visitors knocking on their doors on arrival, when it comes to big money, multinationals still dictate how events are run or sponsored. This couldn’t be truer weird and somewhat vulgar and definitely violent (towards the end) parody which par hasard caught my attention today:

So the Brazilians spent all that money, threw in some false pride, garnished with cultural absence and misrepresentations and topped off with some posh infrastructures, et Voilà! Who eventually would benefit? Wait, Rio will host the Olympics in less than 48 months and the story keeps on fermenting itself.

and here’s the NFL or Miami-like original jingle.

religions: not equal opportunity

What did you do on Christmas Eve? For me this year it was sprinkled with solitude as I walked mostly alone during the day, passing by a Buddhist temple in the afternoon, spending well over an hour looking at its architecture, the free literature they are giving away (mainly the Sutras)

Towards midnight I descended into the town centre, blended into a sea of tourists, excited teenagers and took a few pictures, then had into a midnight mass. While most attendees were indulged in their prayers and hymns, the entrance looked a bit like a circus, with the curious but not the religious parading in and out taking pictures and videos. Festive indeed and I applaud the church and its open door policy – showing everyone that those who don’t believe or are not familiar with their protocols or etiquette are still very welcomed, which is a first step in preaching their beliefs, if not getting to world peace !



2013 的梁振英 無言以對 1989 的他

2013 的梁振英 無言以對 1989 的他



plein de gens等巴士的人真多啊!

plein de gens等巴士的人真多啊!

a glimpse of the typhoon through the glass at the largest exhibition venue in the heart of HK

a glimpse of the typhoon through the glass at the largest exhibition venue in the heart of HK

a glimpse of the typhoon through the glass at the largest exhibition venue in the heart of HK


No. 10 typhoon signal, only the third time in the past 30 years

No. 10 typhoon signal, only the third time in the past 30 years


debris everywhere in town

debris everywhere in town

海歸 pk 本地薑超級女聲


Une émission de téléréalité à Tianjin a soulevé de controvese en Chine. Ce programme qui aide des gens à trouver d’emploi sur l’antenne a eu comme candidat un gars de 32 ans qui avait passé dix ans au hexagone. Étant donné qu’il tient trois diplomes en sociologie, en réalisation (du cinéma) et du tourisme, il a survécu des moments en (pas) répondant des questions du panel sur 1) nommer un sociologue français; 2) Saviez-vous Godard ou Truffaut, etc. Même si vous parlez pas de chinois, vous pouvez sentir la gaieté (sur la part de l’hôte) et l’inquiétude (sur la part du candidat) qui ont persisté dans une vingtaine de minutes.


par contre, Shang Wenjie, gagnante en 2006 de ‘chao ji nü sheng’ (c’est-à-dire Star Académy Féminin) en Chine, diplomée de la prestigieuse université Fudan dans le département du Français, s’entretien en un français impeccable. S’il y a une chose que les chinois en sont fiers, c’est une formation locale en Chine ne désavantage pas nécessairement contre un séjour de dix ans en France.

