



窮L人類學anthropology of a broke bloke

窮L人類學anthropology of a broke bloke

ps:L要寫大寫因為中文人睇到個細l可能冇反應,況且唔係c for capital!

while i used self-service check out counter to pay for my discounted lentils, i picked up the receipt from the previous customer with just under hk$40 left on his card after a purchase of a pricey – according to me – 1 litre pineapple juice. the politically incorrect and classist me asked why people want to spend extra money for mediocre products in posh neighbourhoods? is it just for show?

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2nd anniversary 6-12 兩週年


hong kong as a police state 警察話事的香港

叫/寫 香港加油 也犯法? shouting/showing the slogan “hong kong add oil” alone is guilty?

those questioning “one country two systems” is out of shape are deemed as enemy of the state. 覺得一國兩制走了樣的人就被打成叛國者

那就等著看遠一點,看看誰是愛國的。一般市民還是離地權貴。 so let’s wait and see if the average layperson or the oligarch is more patriotic.