春花 spring flowers


pix from flower show almost two months ago, still the same season although it feels really hot as i write.

in bright colours

marine life on land 海洋生物上岸了

at a slower pace 慢活啊

perhaps someday you could fly 也許某天你能一飛沖天

for love is in the air 只因到處彌漫着愛

just like the eternal sun 猶如永恆的太陽

登山纜車2022 peak tram


hong kong’s peak tram, like the city’s shyscrapers at the same site, went through five incarnations already. the current, sixth, inaugurated 2022, brings back the retro green colour of my childhood. did you know you can request stop in one of the stations along the link between central and the peak just by pressing a button? did you also know that the (steel?) cable only makes its not-so-discreet entrance in between the tracks only when the tram reaches a lower elevation at whatever point you are standing / observing?

國泰 餐牌 1970s menu de cathay

書展裏瞥見國泰航空七十年代的餐牌,除了英文外竟然有點造作之餘加了法文。中文係殖民時代是否欠奉是常態就不得而知。我倒是好奇這班連名稱皆印到餐牌上的 ” compassion tour group ” 乃何方神聖?另一張海報的亞洲女郎活像是蘇絲黃的世界跳出來一樣,嘴藐藐的但洗不掉那種西人對東方的迷戀。

à quoi ça sert le menu en français dans un vol de cathay pacific dans des années 70s? les lettres en MAJUSCULE de taille plus GRAND que celles en anglais, cela rend l’office québécois de la langue française jaloux hahaha. néaumoins, c’était un vol entre tokyo et hong kong, deux villes qui tiennent aucune relation francophone. la fille qui apparaît dans une autre affiche rappelle une caricature datée d’époque suzie wong!

menu de cathay 1970s 年代 國泰 餐牌
cathay souvenir menu

第三類接觸 close encounter of the third kind

有啲電影睇嚟睇去,都係睇唔明。close encounter of the third kind 第三類接觸 可以說是其中一。

小時候明珠台 http://programme.tvb.com/pearl 可能每一、兩年都會播放一次。話雖是syndication ,但我那時的年紀仍然太小,多年來轉台之間看過亦是不知所云!昨晚pearl又再播放,這麼多年後,焦點竟然落到法國導演 françois truffaut的身上。多謝維基百科,我才知道杜魯福客串了一角。另外令我記憶重新的是john williams的五個音 (first conversation) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AphKxQ2NsQo

(and a longer “conversation”)

le petit prince en 2021

c’est une oeuvre la plus traduite? la plus commercialisée? 2021 à hong kong, la société medialink a une exposé des sculptures et des tableaux de steven choi sous une license de pomase.

les images et les fascinations alimentent toujours ce livre, des quatre coins du monde.
voici une sculpture et un tableau de choi…

titre: forever prince
titre: let the stars passing by

plus une citation touchée/récrite quelquepart  qui m’arrive par whatsapp.

tout ensemble, ça sert à aroser notre monde d’espoir dans une ère de folie et de peste.

寫於 2021, on commence

從2020走到2021,農曆鼠年差不多尾聲。往年不少人翻讀 卡繆的《瘟疫》 。 如果離題抽水講貓、鼠和疫症的比喻,2020的總結甚至到2021年一月尾這一刻都可以用一張相嚟形容。唉!

si on relie la peste, le rat et le chat mataphoriquement, la photo ci-joint présente un compte-rendu précis de l’effort mondial par rapport à la santé publique. le montagne russe reprend en 2021!

油麻地停車場大廈 Yau Ma Tei Carpark Building

too much obituary but then here is another one.

Yau Ma Tei Carpark Building, know for the Gascoigne Road Flyover passing through the building on the 3rd floor, will be permanently closed next year, in 2021. The top three floors of the car park will off limit starting 1st nov 2020. disappearing landscape aficionados in hong kong are congregating on the 7th and 8th floors to savour the hustle and bustle of yaumatei on this last full day of its operation.



此時此刻的地圖  library was marked in the middle of the proposed thoroughfareymt-library-oct2020

another video after my errands at the library 去完圖書館再拍過:

低啲再影過 a closer look further down :

社交距離 distanciation physique

社交距離 / distanciation physique / social distancing or even

distanciamiento físico, distanciamiento personal, o distanciamiento social,

no matter how you call it, for three quarters of a year, it is tiring, frustrating or even sad for many. If this photo I dug up from my cell phone which I believed to have arrived at my possession in march 2020 could lift your spirit up just a little..

How would you title / caption it?

para mi, es “star wars vs. covid-19

who needs to go to monastery?

sometime in september 2019 during my extended trip, a friend suggested me to visit a monastery to seek higher meaning of life. little did he know, nor i haven’t yet shown him the collection of videos i took.


one of the destinations was a beach called la barra. sitting on the edge of a national park, the nearest city is buenaventura, a 40min speedboat ride away. without portable water nor internet/wifi, i think i slowed myself down, if it were just for a mere 72 hours.

ps. the beach is actually much brighter and safer than it appeared in the video, if it had gotten your heart pounding a bit faster and harder.