辛亥革命 100 Xinhai revolution

10th October 2011 marks the 100th anniversary of 辛亥 Xinhai Revolution. Pictures seen below are of the normal 1st October landscape at Tiananmen Square. However, an exhibit I’ve seen at the National Library of China (which I will blog under a separate entry) brings interesting perspective into the centennial commemoration.

gignatic lantern for National Day 2011

gignatic lantern for National Day 2011

as usual, Sun Yat Sen is evoked on this occasion, although 1911 to 1949 is often interpreted or NOT interpreted in modern Chinese history on the mainland.

孫中山 Sun Yat Sen

孫中山 Sun Yat Sen

preying on poverty?

Yes Westwood seems to a be “progressive” person. She has her successful entreprise and all the bells and whistles on her website about fairer trade stuff made in Africa. However I still find the imagery hard to swallow… and please don’t accuse me of over-invoking political correctness.


高尚典雅 或是 妞妮造作 ?





hair peace – Lennon & Ono

John Lennon Yoko Ono still stir up cultural references and inspirations. Case in point this store in Kowloon, Hong Kong, with a play with words and sound of “hair peace” (sic)…
約翰連儂 (或 约翰·列侬)和 小野洋子的影響力也許多年來減少,但他們反戰、和平的價值觀和個別形象仍然在這商店和以下展覽中展示出來。

Hair "Peace" / Kowloon, Hong Kong

Hair "Peace" / Kowloon, Hong Kong

or their famous photo that got blown up for a billboard for an exhibition in the Northern Capital.

日光之下 Under the Sun   /  北京 Beijing

日光之下 Under the Sun / 北京 Beijing

Only time could separate real cultural icons from the ordinary! 經過幾十年還有這樣的曝光率(連儂已去世三十年),他們領導流行文化的地位毋庸置疑。

Police’s new toy

What didn’t pick up in the West (USA presumably, since I think David Letterman was riding one of those on his show), becomes Beijing Police’s newer gidget.

one can sit on 既可坐

one can sit on 既可坐

showing agility

whisking away  多輕巧 comme si léger

whisking away 多輕巧 comme si léger

I can’t tell you if it is practical for the police force, but I bet the officers are as mesmorised as
a younger member of the general public.

成人小童皆喜歡 intrigued  regardless of age

成人小童皆喜歡 intrigued regardless of age