香港電台 rthk 五月的荒謬

五月最後一篇網誌,寫的是這月裏眾多不知所謂事件其中一幀。 香港電台


新的港台管理層刪除網上舊節目,猶如廿一世紀版文字獄。大量文史哲精彩資料被消失。月尾更把議事論事連根拔起大換血。監製、導演、 主持全部換走。換上輸了議席前區議員,加半百兩位評論員。這一刻現實是非常黑暗,但黎明必會回來, 德、 賽兩先生總會有重返的一天。

leo lee leia no son conjugacións



quand leo lit un texte que bruce lee l’avait écrit à la princesse leia.

tu vois la beauté de jouer avec les conjugaisons en différentes langues. parfois ça marche bien, parfois non!


lunar eclipse 26 may 2021

did you see total lunar eclipse on 26 may 2021? with the intermittent rain and clouds and being in a very over-lit urban area i didn’t see it well, though i have pix i collected randomly online to share. however, do you really want to see the "blood moon" given the political climate locally where i am? i’ll probably pass out of superstition.

there was a live stream by hk science museum 香港太空館當晚的直播:

colombia, mayo 2021

while the world focused on gaza and israel -apartheid, genocide by the victim turned oppresor israeli state, there has been protests bloodshed, disappearance, deaths and possible murders in colombia. a global pandemic unearthed long existing inequalities and problems in this south american country. it is not the only region in the world with evolving issues. 21st century is a long and winding road for many.