covid digital humanities

2020 走到一半,乜嘢係全世界人都在談論covid-19,華文圈就是武漢肺炎、新冠肺炎等等。一年多前首次聽到『數碼人文』digital humanities這詞,雖則其意思在變,但用電腦、資訊科技等來研究、來咬文嚼字的人士對於這半年來新創,或重現的字必定嘆為觀止!

j’ai entendu    digital humanities (humanidades digitales / humanités numériques / DH ) pour la première fois  en 2018. alors au plein milieu de 2020, les chercheurs de DH doivent d’avoir beaucoup de mots logiques et illogiques (comme social distancing, pourquoi pas physical distancing? quelle occasion ratée de régler les choses)

de toute façon, voici quelques mots qui ont fait leurs tours au monde:

隔離, 觀察, 檢疫, 防疫, 社交距離, covid, covid-19, corona, virus, coronavirus, quarentena,  cuarentena, quarantine, quarantaine, confinement, déconfinement, isolation, lockdown,  social distance, social distancing, physical distancing, distanciation sociale

did you know quarantine stems from forty days in one or those romance languages? whatever you think, i simple don’t want to deal with the messy, confusing orthography!

what are those words and neologisms in your own languages? let’s make a bigger pool for the DHers to play with!


le mal de terre en los tiempos de la corona





a seemingly unrelated song on citizen engagement and environmental pollution, but the snapshot of everyone in masks caught my attention and brought us back to the current covid-19 crisis. are our footprints too big that the present and further problems are unavoidable?

red blue green and cny






Lee Tung Ave, under the new year’s celebrative red was not quite it was for those small business owners and residents who got chased out of the area for this development. Now, full of roman alphabet signage next to the occasional, seasonal tradition chinese festivals’ decor, one must wonder how much of the original characteristics of the community have been preserved, if at all.

meanwhile, over the other side of the pond by  tsim sha tsui waterfront, setting-up and rehearsals for the lunar new year day parade and performances are underway.




Mangkhut 山竹

Mangkhut isn’t your typical fruit (name contributed by Thailand) and ravaged the Philippines (where over 100 lives perished) and led to chaos and damages in Hong Kong unseen in recent history.


Trees were found two months blocking passageways or dangling next to pavements.  If there is a take home message that get hammered from time to time yet ignored but the majority of the populace, it’s “climate change”. It’s here and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon and it might well get much worse.



印象中巴士服務很少在8號風球除下以後受阻,但山竹這次使到部份偏遠路線幾日、甚至一星期才恢復!Bus services never missed a bit for anything weaker than a No.8 typhoon signal were seriously disrupted for up to a week for certain remote routes, especially in the New Territories.


And on to the trees that fell, I was surprised to learn some were fragrant emitting agarwood-like that were uprooted. That certainly was the case near a bus terminal in my neighbourhood where many trees were down. A breeze with the pleasant scent not normally there signaled the end of those trees, which took years to grow to their considerable grandeur and more likely irreplaceable in this over-built city.




三蚊雞太熟嘅香蕉 hk$3 overripe bananas


諷刺嘅係,最近播第二輯嘅 rthk 惜食地球人2 上一輯2016年有一集(食得唔好嘥)講到百分之五十嘅食物重種植到餐桌中間可能浪費咗 如果批發商、超市、等唔好帶頭唔靚唔要,又唔好賺錢賺到盡,擺到爛先至來減價,也許會互謂商家、消費者和環境三方面!

so i bought 7 or 8 very ripe bananas (half of them were shown in pic) for a dirt cheap price of hk$3, i.e. 0,3€, but am not at all thankful to the big name local supermarket chain, its store manager or the lady in charge of marking down perishable items. the fact is that those 50 or 60 or so overripe bananas sitting on the shelves would very likely end up in the landfill ‘cuz they really really didn’t look appetizing to the consumers, even the smart, money-saving housewives, grannies or bargain-hunting domestic workers. it seems maximizing profits is of paramount precedence that the store manager or person-in-charge wouldn’t lower price until the appearance turn customers off. this is false environmental consciousness from the merchants’ point of view. it might very well not existed at all, any sort of consciousness or conscience in a predatory merchant-consumer market. sad eh?

partie 3 sur 3  des contes de mars 2018  texte original chinois par ‘oncle hung jai’

中文作者:雄仔叔叔    三月開古 原文 三之
ça donne l’air de grande amitié
ce petit terroir de voisin
en le passant, il me demande
ça va aujourd’hui?
peut-être un peu mieux
je débarrasse plus ma mère comme avant
m’arrête et la réponds prudemment
avec vieillissement on se sent fatigué
le scrutin supplémentaire d’aujourd’hui est franchement
une mauvaise nouvelle sans la dire
visant un tombe couvert de sol noir
il semble que un autre voisin
essaye de planter des gingembres
c’est vraiment une question de choix
quelqu’un a déjà coché ce p’tit terroir
bricoler sur place changeant du terroir à la maison
devient une affaire de millionnaire
je vois que leurs p’tits neveux
ne chassent plus parmi les terroirs et les eaux
je sais qu’il ne faut pas les forcer
mais je veux encore qu’ils sachent
ce vocabulaire qui le rend debout et inspiré
quel beau paysage
… … …

老之將至 人就是累




Rio +20

上星期在巴西里約熱內盧的 里约+20 Rio +20本地中文媒體隻字不提。其實不提也罷,因為該會議算是徹底的失敗。樂施會英國的行政總裁Barbara Stocking說全世界的領袖都來了,但他們沒做到會帶領我們向前走的決定


Rio+20 wasn’t even worth a bimp on the local media’s radar screen (in Hong Kong). Maybe the latter were prophets and knew nothing constructive would came out of it. Non-governmental and NGOs thought it was just some “rubber-stamp” protocols that the world leaders went through.

Or perhaps people’s attention were sidetracked by non-issues like the Eurozone crisis or the upcoming U.S. presidential election. How perverse our world had become!

Un enfant marche dans le quartier de Manguinhos, un des plus pauvres de Rio de Janeiro. (Photo: REUTERS/Ricardo Moraes)

Un enfant marche dans le quartier de Manguinhos, un des plus pauvres de Rio de Janeiro. (Photo: REUTERS/Ricardo Moraes)

氣候逃犯 climate fugitive




Given Donald Tsang will be leaving his post as Chief Executive of Hong Kong in a few months, this is a good time to “take it out on him” or this greenpeace parodied figurehead from 2011 for the lack of progress on long term energy.

Il est vraiment triste que les affaires familiales ou les corruptions accusées ou même les mensonges portés ont effectivement éclipsé les enjeux environnementaux dans les débats de candidates pour l’élection du prochain Chief Executive de Hong Kong.

氣候逃犯 climate fugitive

氣候逃犯 climate fugitive