2nd anniversary 6-12 兩週年


hong kong as a police state 警察話事的香港

叫/寫 香港加油 也犯法? shouting/showing the slogan “hong kong add oil” alone is guilty?

those questioning “one country two systems” is out of shape are deemed as enemy of the state. 覺得一國兩制走了樣的人就被打成叛國者

那就等著看遠一點,看看誰是愛國的。一般市民還是離地權貴。 so let’s wait and see if the average layperson or the oligarch is more patriotic.




歲晚收爐至另行通告?temporarily closed til god knows when


neither typhoon signal number ten nor the prolific social movement of 2019 can barely touch upon the religiously capitalistic machinery of hong kong. then came covid-19, who made a steady and rapid ascent with the year of the rat, and like stepping on brakes did it achieve in sabotaging the capitalistic rat race with just a few dozens of cases and counting, in february 2020. whether it is tcm clinic, restaurant, bank or pharmacy, their branches in this shopping arcade which serves also as a ferry terminal to mainland china and macao decided to temporarily close the doors until perhaps the community outbreak of the virus retreats, if their leases last that long. what perplexed me was the lie a few of the notices posted “renovation” as the pretext, what were the management thinking? it wasn’t the company’s fault, but external, uncontrollable circumstances that require cost-cutting measures. if there is anything, it makes me think thrice about the integrity of these corporations for if they need a pretext foe something they didn’t do, imagine when they really make an error or put their customers in harms way, they probably would find tons of excuses to rid themselves of responsibility! so consumers beware, separating the good crops from the rotten few in the time of covid-19.

容港治己 let hk governs itself

黃台之瓜 何堪再摘
「最好的因可成最壞的果」、「愛中國.愛香港.愛自己」、「愛自由.愛包容.愛法治」及「以愛之義 止息怒憤」
deconstructing 最後幾句竟然得出

因果由國 容港治己



我最認同的,是 容港治己。悲觀的人會覺得機會渺茫,不過香港對許許多多外來人士、企業、政府都很有利用價值,所以怎樣發展下去仍然有觀望空間。

疑似黑社會人士 apparent triad member


alleged gangster, people like him bring shame to new territories folks, given i grew up and my parents devoted their youth and career in the NT.

gangster.jpg post-it portrait profiling pathetic psychopath personage


venezuela, whom to trust?

a really depressing topic, given people don’t see juan guaido’s  ridiculous self-proclamation as president is an attempt of usa backed coup d’état. understandably, one might say, because mainstream media in usa and other nato states work like propaganda machines. however tale-telling finds and associations do appear, if one leaves no stone unturned. take this strange (or you might think outrageous) comparison to the 74th anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz camp and his thank you to the israeli pm.  if the war crimes committed to the palestinians serve well as an indicator, perhaps you will see through msm’s thick smog of fake news.


méchant 猙獰


pourquoi cet art national qui démontre normalement la beauté de la vie ou le bonheur montre un visage semblablement méchant? peut être c’est un cœur dur et froid qui fait une apparition non-déguisée.






好多睇現場直播嘅人都覺得日本對比利時個場十分精彩。比利時係落後兩球下追返並最後贏3:2真係唔簡單。之後佢哋對法國我當然希望小國贏啦(雖則比國都係冷血嘅前殖民地主-係剛果斬咗好多奴隸嘅手)。網上看見評論說經過兩年前的多次恐襲,這世界盃冠軍可算一點沖喜士氣,雖然我係francophile, (c’est strictement des pays et cultures franco-phones, pas au sens de la france seulement!) 但也不能”恭喜”法國,因為種族歧視的原因,還有其國家機器做嘅壞事-例如恐怖襲擊敘利亞(聽說所有導彈都被擊落)
