small hours laundry

not since the days when i was living in astoria or long island city that i went out to laundry at 3am. this time around, almost one and a half decades later, in my hometown of all places, i did it because one of these automatic laundromat chains had a new opening offer of only 5hk$ a load (of 18lbs).5$

everything is automatic, unmanned, and you don’t even have to add detergent. 24hours

with the options of fabric softerners or what not, usually japanese or korean
the regular prices are pretty competitive, to full services stores

it was a clean and tranquil place at 3am, if only it could wash out all the troubles of hong kong in 2019!

2019 香港版 孤星淚

2014佔領中環時,極具資本主義的香港改編了百老匯歌劇裏can you hear the people sing? 我記得以前有人說過香港中產嘅離地點會爭取到自由?我從無看過孤星淚,meme pas la version originale textuelle de victor hugo, une oeuvre monumentale… 美國人改人哋嘅嘢本來俗套,多年前令我『耳』前一亮係susan boyle 參加britain got talent 唱過 I dreamed a dream。

這次2019年12月份的社區音樂會, 重唱百老匯歌劇裡多首歌曲,見與會者情緒激昂,雖然對細節不完全苟同(包括消費音樂劇來二次創作用來抗爭,那是否認同經濟上充離地嘅上等人之生活?又或壓軸的、對我來說太基督教味的《願榮光歸香港》– 禮、教不正正代表我對你錯、 我天堂你地獄,何來丁點民主和平等?),但亦能理解小市民對社會的期望。從期望,到行動,到包容最受壓迫的,條路尚有九曲十三彎。

opportunity cost of gallstones

stuck and caused acute inflammation. it happened with my dad, fortunately after i returned to hong kong after a one and a half month absence. it actually coincided with the big strike in november. 11 november, when tai po was cut off from kowloon traffic-wise and the ambulance transferring my dad to hospital took 45minutes to get there.

it also meant many "aller-retour" trip bringing me to two of my alma maters, numerous trips to buy medical supplies, etc. and is still ongoing. hopefully further stabalization leads to a more permanant solution.