stonewall 50


it has been a busy june in hong kong. while cramped an occasional irrelevant post like the bread post into the fin-du-mois line up, this one jolted the hong kong protests aside as  june 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of of the stonewall uprising. the struggle is far from over if one looks at the gender, social, economic, racial, etc. discrimination directed at lgbqtsti people, still rampant and sometimes vicious.

just like the poster of audre lorde project reads “the history of stonewall is trans”, and to that we should add people of color (i.e. latina/o/x, africans/blacks in usa’s problematic lingo) as a substantial number of them were  among those courageous enough  to revolt against the police raid.

as with many movements, those who pushed through the front line, the most radical, the most marginalized did not see or had benefited minimally from the fruits of their struggle. sylvia rivera actually had relaunched street transvestite action revolutionaries  (S.T.A.R.) a year or so before the end of her life, if that’s benchmark to show how much and at the same time how little had been achieved, for the marginalized within the margins of the lgbtqtsti people.

with corporate pride events choking major cities, let’s not forget the trailblazers, the most discriminated among the discriminated, the STARS that they are, twinkling in the distance with their blessings. on the 50th anniversary of stonewall and looking ahead for lgbtqtsti rights, we need their visionary lights to guide as in the never ending quest for social and economic justice.

ps  alp’s statement:

grounding today with reflections from the past


vi iv 30



20190604_221118.jpg三十年 了, 但 人民不會忘記


occupy hong kong 2014 (i)

This might be the first in a series, for a duration not yet known, on the latest civil disobedience in Hong Kong in 2014. Let’s build up curiosity by looking at media, especially state media first!

Maybe Russia and China really are secretly in love, or are they not-so-secret buddies?

Russia Today said “protest turns violent” at the title of its piece posted September 28, 2014 16:33(Moscow time?)

even though it did use the words “pro-democracy” in the report.

Hong Kong police used tear gas and pepper spray on a crowd of pro-democracy protesters who ignored warnings and blocked the city’s main highway. The violence came after several days of student protests.

Meanwhile, China’s official news portal labelled the protest “spun out of control”

Agence France Presse en español wrote one of its headlines”

Manifestantes prodemocracia paralizan puntos neurálgicos en Hong Kong

Paralyse it we should, not neuro-logistical centre of Hong Kong, rather the injustice of puppet electoral systems, oligarchy and neoliberalism! Can we?

below: screenshot of online spreadsheet of the call for supply materials at the occupied sites
online spreadsheet of call of supply materials in the struggle

8 heures de travail

2014年的五一勞動節前後於網上找到差不多一世紀前的舊照片: 歐洲在1919年爭取8小時“標準工時”的海報,在一個世紀後的亞洲居然一點也不過時。真諷刺!

1919年 我們只要8小時 ;en 1919, on veut 8 heures seulement

1er mai, Journée internationale des travailleurs

J’ai tombé sur cette photo de 1919 quand la lutte était pour 8 heures de travail par jour? Malheuresement, Un siècle plus tard, en 2014, en Asie, dont la Chine et Hong Kong RAS, il n’y a pas des heures ‘maximum’ fixées par semaine. Plus loin en Europe, le taut chomage augmente sans arret, tandis que les Asiatiques, ou même des gens ailleurs travaillent comme des chiens avec des heures supplémentaires contribuées mais rarement recompensées! Ou est le progrès alors?

Thatcher obituary, a year later

8 April!!!!!! After seeing the british teledrama Margaret and reading and viewing reports and commentaries on Margaret Thatcher’s passing A YEAR AGO, it’s my turn to write this résumé.

Geofrery Howe, Kenneth Clarke, Michael Heseltine, John Major, Neil Kinnock, Paddy Ashdown are some of the names that popped up immediately when I learnt of her death. Having grown up in colonial Hong Kong and spending my very first year living away from my home town for post-secondary education in Liverpool, I watched on TV many of the parliamentary debates she had as prime minister as well as her then very dramatic ouster.

Paddy Ashdown, leader of Liberal Democrats 1988-1999, was very polite in his tribute. Nevertheless he highlighted her liberalisation of markets, her stripping down the barriers to business and her lowering taxation
had resulted in not greater prosperity for all but to
near ruin and disgusting climate of greed of the few.

He added the freedom advanced in the Thatcher years were “strangely partial” since it was mainly “economic freedom” of a few. On the other hand, Thatcher didn’t care much about political freedom of gays, people of Scotland or women

Du côté canadien, l’ancien premier ministre Jean Chretien sur Thatcher et aussi la loi constitutionelle de 1982:

quoting Chretien (Thatcherite politics)…”has run its course”… (and a)…”kinder, less destructive, more balanced way to shape our economy” (should be the alternative)

D’autre opinion, celle de l’Afrqiue.
Journaliste Marie-Roger Biloa a souligné corretement que Thatcher soutient (ouvertement ou laissez-faire) apartheid dans une émission de Kiosque sur TV5 monde. Étant donné que Nelson Mandela a aussi passé au ciel, Madame

Anthony Barnett
Un entrevue de Anthony Barnett sur l’émission anglaise d’al Jazeera a souligné les enjeux énegétiques qui ont été négligés par la plupart des média.

and from the journalist on the Edward Snowden case, Glen Greenwald has a few words to say on the Guardian.

Margaret Thatcher dies: Hundreds celebrate at street parties

not really sad response to her passing

Neil Kinnock sums up a pretty accurate “legacy” of Thatcher:

It was an unmitigated disaster for Britain because, if you recall, it commenced with a series of Budget changes and use of interest rates which, combined with the fact that oil was monumentally coming on stream, pushed the price of the pound out of sight and succeeded in inflicting devastating harm on the productive base of Britain.

And the end result was not modernisation, it was ­devastation.

Finally, more salt on the wound: Totally absent in any Western media coverage, her encounter of a bigger beast called Deng Xiao Ping in Beijing, China in 1984 concerning the future of Hong Kong definitely occupied her mind and caused the infamous “kowtow”. But given her stand on Falkland Islands and Pinochet just marked the slow decline of an empire which could only look back to the past.

Rest in peace, Lady Thatcher. Apart from being the first female head of state of a G8 country, you also did the world a lot of damage. Unfortunately, even though I don’t wish for another Reagan or Thatcher or Mulroney, their incarnations will certainly pop out again and wreak havoc. Case in point? Manuel Valls, the new Bacelona-born French Prime Minister who once said the name “Parti Socialiste” and its policies are dated. Hold your breath people!

Sénégal Fast Food, défi «slow» pour les gourmands

Une chanson pas du tout aisément «politiquement correct» pour l’apprentissage du français, quand même que je l’ai découverte, par hasard, dans un site américain pour un cours de français en ligne. S’agit-il d’un exemple de plus facile à révéler les défauts les autres!

Il est minuit à Tokyo
Il est cinq heures au Mali
Quelle heure est-il au Paradis ?
Il est minuit à Tokyo
Il est cinq heures au Mali
Quelle heure est-il au Paradis ?

Les rimes apparaîtraient joyeuses, si l’on néglige les paroles non-français, en une des langues au Mali que je ne peux pas surnormmer exactement, qui composent le refrain:

Nous qui quittons nos pays
Il ne faut pas que les enfants du pays nous oublient
Nous qui sommes dans cette chose
Chose là aucun de nous ne saurait la nommer
Nous qui sommes dans des pays lointains
Il ne faut pas que les enfants du pays nous oublient

«le visa au consulat», «au paradis», «ascenseur pour le ghetto», jumellent avec les images dans la vidéo font une perturbation émotionnelle. Tant pis pour vous qui lisez jusqu’à ici, ou ceux qui connaissez la langue française, cette chanson pourrait être consumé de façon différente comme «Sénégal Fast Food» sans pilule de mondialisation, décolonisation et toutes les «tions».

Cette oeuvre de Amadou & Mariam et Manu Chao engendre une indigestion plus forte que là-bas, une chanson de Jean-Jacques Goldman qui touche sur l’immigration aussi, mais parallèlement m’incite la curiosité de explorer la musique africaine francophone.

1 July 2012 protest in pictures

1 July, Hong Kong. Retrocession day to China, with a not-in-the-tourism-guides protest march tagging along yearly since 1997 sans exception. Cette année,les gens ne sont pas content avec le bureau du gouvernement central à Hong Kong, comme montré ici:



冤 – 直指 李旺陽 “被自殺”案 injust – le cas de LI Wang Yang.

“冤” -  injust

“冤” – injust

A post-90s youth group 學民思潮 (scholarism) voicing their concern over “national education” to be implemented in the K-12 curriculum.



Godwin’s law coming into effect, inevitable? This time targeting the new Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR, CY Leung. 唉!高德温效應又來了,衝着梁振英來的!

oops, Hitler reference!

oops, Hitler reference!

I am not a fan of Falun Gong, but they always have an extremely long, equipped with marching band, huge banners and their carriers, procession towards the end of the parade. Visually, that’s very provoative indeed!

Falun Gong - as long as usual!

Falun Gong – as long as usual!

une ville n’est plus idéale? crié un slogan dans la manif.

Pearl of the Orient no more?

Pearl of the Orient no more?

An almost universally true question thrown at the Police in all kinds of public demonstrations: “Police officers, Where’s your conscience?”

警察? 良知?

警察? 良知?

The protest march meant so much to fellow citizens that many who missed the “full frontal” of the yearly retrocession day fireworks. Honestly, getting the naked truth from the marchers was better than the jubilant lies camouflaged in fireworks!

tail of the protest pausing for fireworks, FIVE hours after the start of the march!

tail of the protest pausing for fireworks, FIVE hours after the start of the march!

Public transit made way for the marchers.

trams stopped

trams stopped

Streets free of people and traffic, after marchers flowed by for hours.

emptied and littered

emptied and littered

June 4, 2012 in pictures


年輕人 les jeunes

年輕人 les jeunes

發表意見 exrpimer des idées

發表意見 exrpimer des idées

slogan 口號

slogan 口號

人山人海 quelle présence

人山人海 quelle présence

synchronisé  一致的

synchronisé 一致的

女神 la déesse

女神 la déesse

n'oubliez pas  不要忘記

n’oubliez pas 不要忘記

However, the artwork or protest outside of the venue, Victoria Park, or even Hong Kong, prove to be the most shocking visuals one can obtain this year related to the massacre 23 years ago.

 坦克 1 tank

坦克 1 tank

flesh and blood camouflaged in tranquility

and this tank below from the student protests in Montreal, in Spring 2012. You don’t need me to tell you where they got their inspiration from for their prop.還有2012之春從加拿大滿地可學潮傳來一幀十分震撼的照片(大概是四月底前拍的,示威者的靈感未呼之已出!)

et la plus choquante est l’installation qui fait partie des manifs de Printemps d’érable au Québec en 2012.

坦克 2 tank -  加拿大,蒙特利爾 Montréal, Canada

坦克 2 tank – 加拿大,蒙特利爾 Montréal, Canada

從法語文化看社會(不)公義 (5)

regard comparatif de (in)justice sociale et culture francophone (V) et…

30 avr 2012 四月卅號
19h30 晚上七點半

lundi 7 mai 2012 五月七號 星期一
19h30 晚上七點半

thème:“cinco de mayo”? “French May”? mai 68? “mayday”? 1 mai? mouvement du 4 mai?
議題: 五月五日(西班牙語)? 五月法國? 68年5月? “mayday”? 五、一?五四(運動)?

1) 以上的“五”,5, cinco, cinq, may, mai etc + idées des
participants (參加者意見)

2) 時間許可 學唱兩三句internationale (國際歌)法語

視頻里抽出來的部分歌詞 quelques paroles retirées de vidéo.
Debout les damnés de la terre !
Debout les forçats de la faim !
La raison tonne en son cratère,
C’est l’éruption de la fin.
Du passé, faisons table rase,
Foule esclave debout ! debout !
Le monde va changer de base :
Nous ne sommes rien, soyons tout !

Refrain x2
C’est la lutte finale,
Groupons-nous, et demain
Sera le genre humain.


英特納雄耐爾 就一定要實現!

視頻第一部分的副歌是法語,其後的是官話咯。 refrain en français et puis en mandarin

les ressources supplémentaires seront ajoutées ici.


法國總統選舉,第一輪投票十位參選者所屬的黨派 les 10 partis réprésentés au 1er tour

法國總統選舉,第一輪投票十位參選者所屬的黨派 les 10 partis réprésentés au 1er tour

organisation de la francophonie 的國家:

網上歐語字典: wordreference, reverso

從法語文化看社會公義 (4) culture francophone + justice sociale
從法語文化看社會公義 (3) culture francophone + justice sociale
從法語文化看社會公義 (2) culture francophone + justice sociale
從法語文化看社會公義 (1) culture francophone + justice sociale

從法語文化看社會公義 (2)

三月六日 星期二 晚上7點 @佔領中環 (獅子總行地下) mardi le 6 mars 19h @ Occupy Central
(歡迎不懂法語既新人參加)吹水話題:慢活 + 飲食文化 + 語言裡的性別(歧視) 大戰 3.8婦女節

初步大綱 version préliminaire

討論 partie 1: 自然/生活 + simplicité volontaire + 飲食文化

一首飲食歌 極速學法語單詞 歌詞在這裡(簡了底線的名詞可以多留意)
les cornichons 或 生字練習(cliquer sur “Download Les_cornichons – Exercise“)

垃圾桶插水 是什麼? 看 1)我零九年寫的 或 2) 維基百科

Skipping Waste from mirco on Vimeo.

討論 partie 2: 語言裡的性別(歧視) 大戰 3.8婦女節

女人的回答 警告: 男士們或 宗教塔利班 請不要當這是鹹片 哈哈哈

mots-clés 關鍵詞
manger, goûter, gastronomie, alimentaire, simplicité volontaire, la gourmand(ise) 饕餮, gourmet, “mardi gras” 懺悔星期二, récup (de ‘récuperation’),’faire la récup’ 垃圾桶插水, glanage, glaneur, glaneuse, nourrir, voile 面紗, hijab 蓋頭, “accommodement raisonnable”, madame, mademoiselle, Mrs Ms Miss Mr 太太 女士 小姐 密斯 先生, etc.

上次 la dernière fois: 從法語文化看社會公義 (1)