

2013 的梁振英 無言以對 1989 的他

2013 的梁振英 無言以對 1989 的他

alimenter 補給


Sauté de mouton aux poireaux servi avec des nouilles froides? Vous, les francophones, pouvez corriger ma traduction. En tout cas, c’était que j’ai bouffé il y a quelque jours dans un resto halal à Pékin. C’est de plus en plus cher de manger à Pékin, même si pour 16 kuai il ne coûtait pas trop par rapport à la junk-food chez McDos.


一幅 拒馬河夏至的畫,我遠遠就已經被吸引了。因為風塵滾滾的北京,實景能有這樣美也不容易。

la mode vue à Pékin

Non, ce n’est pas un parti de Halloween, mais celui de la soirée du vernissage d’une exposition. Les étudiants portent eux-mêmes leurs créations!

Guess which one is the socialist country?

You have two choices
1) España or
2) China?

Even with elaborated adjectives attached to their official names, say RD Congo, aka: République Démocratique du Congo (formerly know as Zaire and has its fair share of bloodshed as I write, with the ethnic groups in the East; which one can blame the former colonial Belgium), or Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), democracy or the public in “re-“public are usually scarce commodity if not totally non-existant. So enter this massive workers’ strike in Spain, offically still a “kingdom” as it is “Reino de España” which spreads across continents in its institutions, including the Instituto Cervantes Pekín (Beijing, China), which somehow mobilised the staffers in Beijing to stand in solidarity and participate in their day off with their counterparts in Europe and elsewhere. What I wonder is how many of the Chinese students who are taking classes at Cervantes would ponder the meaning of workers’ rights in our own country with those in Spain? Would the Chinese government allow for a regional workers’ strike, let alone a nation-wide one?

Mind you, China is officially know as People’s Republic of China!

And the 1.3 billion$’s answer is…?

une huelga general   西班牙 總罷工

une huelga general 西班牙 總罷工

June 4, 2012 in pictures


年輕人 les jeunes

年輕人 les jeunes

發表意見 exrpimer des idées

發表意見 exrpimer des idées

slogan 口號

slogan 口號

人山人海 quelle présence

人山人海 quelle présence

synchronisé  一致的

synchronisé 一致的


女神 la déesse

女神 la déesse

n'oubliez pas  不要忘記

n’oubliez pas 不要忘記

However, the artwork or protest outside of the venue, Victoria Park, or even Hong Kong, prove to be the most shocking visuals one can obtain this year related to the massacre 23 years ago.

 坦克 1 tank

坦克 1 tank

flesh and blood camouflaged in tranquility

and this tank below from the student protests in Montreal, in Spring 2012. You don’t need me to tell you where they got their inspiration from for their prop.還有2012之春從加拿大滿地可學潮傳來一幀十分震撼的照片(大概是四月底前拍的,示威者的靈感未呼之已出!)

et la plus choquante est l’installation qui fait partie des manifs de Printemps d’érable au Québec en 2012.

坦克 2 tank -  加拿大,蒙特利爾 Montréal, Canada

坦克 2 tank – 加拿大,蒙特利爾 Montréal, Canada

將會是一樣? Sera lo mismo ?

一年多前在北京看 哥雅 Francisco de Goya (1746-1828) 關於戰爭的展覽,裡面很多照片皆可以和二十三年前vi iv在北京發生的悲劇呼應。



Many of the etchings of Francisco de Goya from the exhibit Los Desastres y la fotografía de guerra relate fittingly and unfortunately with the bloody 4th June anniversary in modern Chinese history.

Cadavres piled up one after another
centuries ago in España
1989 in Tiananmen
One can’t but starts to wonder
that sera lo mismo
etched over time
an ugly curse on humanity

 Sera lo mismo  將會是一樣

Sera lo mismo 將會是一樣

from Los Desastres de la guerra 戰爭的災難 系列

物以類聚 7 , separated at birth VII


廢物做的,日曬雨淋巨無霸 made from scrap metal

北京某處的巨無霸 機械人 one gigantic robot in Beijing

北京某處的巨無霸 機械人 one gigantic robot in Beijing

this huge robot stands as an outdoor installation in Beijing

metallic trunk 金屬的身軀

metallic trunk 金屬的身軀

big foot 大腳八

big foot 大腳八

近距離一看 take a closer look

近距離一看 take a closer look

比較兩千公里以南,張美仙畫的高達 mirroring Cheung Mei Sin’s version of Gundam, some two thousand miles to the South.

高達 Gundam

高達 Gundam

Un humanoïde gigantesque, froid et triste, contre l’autre encadré, bariolé et radiant, deux interprétations distinctes vous disent quoi? 兩種表達方法對諸君有何啟示?

more “separated at birth” 更多“物以類聚” les anciens “qui se ressemble s’assemble”:

1), 2), 3), 4), 5)

a capital in colours

How well do you know Beijing? Take a look at this collage and see how many of the landmarks depicted here.

Beijing as painted by teenagers

Beijing as painted by teenagers

Ironically, I wish the city could be more colourful as the tableau, rather than masked in a blanket of smog or smoke or whatever particulates that are air-borne.

PS: some architectal icons I identified are
Temple of Heaven
CCTV Headquarters
Forbidden City
Poly Plaza
plus two others which I await your answers as I don’t have a clue.

hair peace – Lennon & Ono

John Lennon Yoko Ono still stir up cultural references and inspirations. Case in point this store in Kowloon, Hong Kong, with a play with words and sound of “hair peace” (sic)…
約翰連儂 (或 约翰·列侬)和 小野洋子的影響力也許多年來減少,但他們反戰、和平的價值觀和個別形象仍然在這商店和以下展覽中展示出來。

Hair "Peace" / Kowloon, Hong Kong

Hair "Peace" / Kowloon, Hong Kong

or their famous photo that got blown up for a billboard for an exhibition in the Northern Capital.

日光之下 Under the Sun   /  北京 Beijing

日光之下 Under the Sun / 北京 Beijing

Only time could separate real cultural icons from the ordinary! 經過幾十年還有這樣的曝光率(連儂已去世三十年),他們領導流行文化的地位毋庸置疑。