de cochon à calligraphie

Ce que j’ai publié hier documente le gaspillage comme d’habitude dans des marchés des fleurs pour le nouvel an lunaire.  Il y avait un parade la première soirée du nouvel an, dont les voitures sont montrés dans une fête à New Territories pendant 2 semaines.


cochon comme thème d’année



La chasse pour la meilleure calligraphie annuale finit par les deux photos ici, avec les boutiques qui ont indiqué que leur année recommençait au 10e et au 7e jour respectivement.    今年見到最靚的書法是年初一半夜四、五更時拍到灣仔泰華木業初十啟市這張通告




ole ola, mas nenhuma força

ole ola….

The dust has long settled after the World Cup 2014 in Brazil. Football aside, the theme song and its video really sounded and looked heavily American, albeit international production. So much for Brazil’s backbone of photographing and fingerprinting Americans visitors knocking on their doors on arrival, when it comes to big money, multinationals still dictate how events are run or sponsored. This couldn’t be truer weird and somewhat vulgar and definitely violent (towards the end) parody which par hasard caught my attention today:

So the Brazilians spent all that money, threw in some false pride, garnished with cultural absence and misrepresentations and topped off with some posh infrastructures, et Voilà! Who eventually would benefit? Wait, Rio will host the Olympics in less than 48 months and the story keeps on fermenting itself.

and here’s the NFL or Miami-like original jingle.

religions: not equal opportunity

What did you do on Christmas Eve? For me this year it was sprinkled with solitude as I walked mostly alone during the day, passing by a Buddhist temple in the afternoon, spending well over an hour looking at its architecture, the free literature they are giving away (mainly the Sutras)

Towards midnight I descended into the town centre, blended into a sea of tourists, excited teenagers and took a few pictures, then had into a midnight mass. While most attendees were indulged in their prayers and hymns, the entrance looked a bit like a circus, with the curious but not the religious parading in and out taking pictures and videos. Festive indeed and I applaud the church and its open door policy – showing everyone that those who don’t believe or are not familiar with their protocols or etiquette are still very welcomed, which is a first step in preaching their beliefs, if not getting to world peace !

垃圾裡的果 des fruits (de mer) de poubelle

Une des nouvelles expériences marquante 2012 pour moi est ‘faire de la récup‘ de nourriture. J’ai décidé de m’aventurer le soir de Noël, prémière fois dan la soirée d’une fête, pour vérifier tel grand nombre de bouffre l’on gaspille et de récupérer une peu de trésor.

'fruits' de mer glanées

‘fruits’ de mer glanées

Si ce n’est pas trop choquant, les photos suivantes montrent des ‘fruit’s (de mer) que j’ai glanées. De plus, des plats en plein coleurs faits entièrement de l’alimentation récuperée.

Sakhalin surf clam /北寄貝/Spisula,  scallop/带子/pétoncle, salmon/三文魚/saumon, octopus/八爪魚/ much do we throw away otherwise daily?

Sakhalin surf clam /北寄貝/Spisula, scallop/带子/pétoncle, salmon/三文魚/saumon, octopus/八爪魚/poulpe…how much do we throw away otherwise daily?

Dumpster diving is one of my few guilty pleasures in practice. No I don’t need the food to survive but I like the freegan lifestyle and if along the way I help reduce waste, why NOT? These pictures are good for me, but horrific for our society-at-large. Chilled, nicely packaged seafood in absolutely edible condition
got thrown away in the holiday season. We made a full meal of salmon fried rice and Greek salad 100% from the ingredients ‘rescued’ from the dumpster! How decadent and wasteful Christmas has turned into?

riz frit au saumon - entièrement fait sur les récupérés

riz frit au saumon – entièrement fait sur les récupérés

垃圾裡的果? 海鮮的法語有“fruit”水果這字,那麼我就以“成果”的“果”來一題多寫。對,這餐飯是用百分百從垃圾桶插水回來的“收穫”煮出來。不可思議?絕對是真的!吾雖不窮至要討飯吃,但很多商家也這樣浪費你看得過眼嗎?

希臘沙律  Greek salad(e) grec... with salty Feta Cheese! Totally REcuperated. 這樣的食物,往垃圾桶裡倒難道不可惜嗎?

希臘沙律 Greek salad(e) grec… with salty Feta Cheese! Totally REcuperated. 這樣的食物,往垃圾桶裡倒難道不可惜嗎?

related posts in June 2009, March (video called Skipping Waste) and April 2012.

龍年到 2012


from 's cny 2012

from 's cny 2012

if a so called “developed” economy can’t make sure its all citizens a decent standard of living, our Spring Festival would make no difference like the twisted Xmas and New Year, don’t you think?

動若脫兔 lapin souple

With this new year coming around, I wish you have all the stamina like the rabbit, just like that battery commercial seen in many countries years ago.
Photo tour for first day of CNY.

On commerce avec des couleurs variées pour chauffer ton coeur.


flower market 1

flower market 1

encore des fleurs

flower market 2

flower market 2

no market is complete without the ridicule on politicians and bureaucrats

will the two men responsisble for HKG's public safety acting like rabbits on LSD this year?!?

will the two men responsisble for HKG's public safety acting like rabbits on LSD this year?!?

PS LSD – double entendre – League of Social Democrats, a political party in HKG, or… you know


美元有幾叻 i.e., How good is the American dollar

美元有幾叻 i.e., How good is the American dollar

American $$$? Aparting from “hot money” flooding foreign markets as a result of QE2 like the flooding in Australia, I don’t see much positives to it. Perhaps we should do as this vendor says, use it to “wipe our asses”













步步高升 up up and up like the bamboos

步步高升 up up and up like the bamboos

je vous souhaite une année solide qui monte, soit votre salaire, votre poste.

birds of a feather X 5 – Holiday decorations

Continuing the wùyǐlèijù 物以類聚 theme, end of year means light pollution everywhere, literally! First in Beijing:

off WangFuJing in Beijing, Nov 2010

off WangFuJing in Beijing, Nov 2010

JoyCity, XiDan, Beijing 北京西單 大悅城 每年皆有大型燈飾。

JoyCity, XiDan, Beijing 北京西單 大悅城   2010-11

JoyCity, XiDan, Beijing 北京西單 大悅城 2010-11

pouring holiday spirit onto the pavement:

Is that Willy Wonka's hat?

Is that Willy Wonka's hat?

and then there is Hong Kong

in Tsuen Wan

City Walk, Tsuen Wan

City Walk, Tsuen Wan

as well as in Langham Place, a mall in the extremely dense Mongkok 旺角朗豪坊

Ferris Wheel, part of a London theme installation, Mongkok 摩天輪 主題

Ferris Wheel, part of a London theme installation, Mongkok 摩天輪 主題

au milieu de Landmark à Central

Bisous à Lanmark, Central, HKG  置地廣場的吻

Bisous à Lanmark, Central, HKG 置地廣場的吻

a touch of white on the roof:



occasionally money saving displays give new meanings to “two birds with one stone”. Oh I really meant “two festivals in one set of lights”. Can you guess the second fest to come?

2 fests in one

2 fests in one

by the Star Ferry in Tsim Sha Tsui

la foule à l'Ocean Terminal

la foule à l'Ocean Terminal

Last but not the least, the conceptual artists must be reading my Gaudi related entries here and there.

Sagrada Familia in HKG?

Sagrada Familia in HKG?

so much for the decorations and happy 2011 everyone!

C’était le 5ème qui se ressemble s’assemble (birds of a feather 5 物以類聚)