
一幅 拒馬河夏至的畫,我遠遠就已經被吸引了。因為風塵滾滾的北京,實景能有這樣美也不容易。

la mode vue à Pékin

Non, ce n’est pas un parti de Halloween, mais celui de la soirée du vernissage d’une exposition. Les étudiants portent eux-mêmes leurs créations!

Guess which one is the socialist country?

You have two choices
1) España or
2) China?

Even with elaborated adjectives attached to their official names, say RD Congo, aka: République Démocratique du Congo (formerly know as Zaire and has its fair share of bloodshed as I write, with the ethnic groups in the East; which one can blame the former colonial Belgium), or Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), democracy or the public in “re-“public are usually scarce commodity if not totally non-existant. So enter this massive workers’ strike in Spain, offically still a “kingdom” as it is “Reino de España” which spreads across continents in its institutions, including the Instituto Cervantes Pekín (Beijing, China), which somehow mobilised the staffers in Beijing to stand in solidarity and participate in their day off with their counterparts in Europe and elsewhere. What I wonder is how many of the Chinese students who are taking classes at Cervantes would ponder the meaning of workers’ rights in our own country with those in Spain? Would the Chinese government allow for a regional workers’ strike, let alone a nation-wide one?

Mind you, China is officially know as People’s Republic of China!

And the 1.3 billion$’s answer is…?

une huelga general   西班牙 總罷工

une huelga general 西班牙 總罷工