



過期芝士 expired cheese

expired cheese, is that oxymoron? i finally opened one package of french goat cheese, over a year after the expiration date. paired with the humble "life bread" from "garden bakery", it was creamy and soft, not disappointing at all.

芝士會過期嗎? 往年2022到期的法國羊奶芝士,終於有機會配上平民嘅嘉頓生命麵包一嚐。入口軟滑,加一點羊奶的膻味,絕不似過期壞了的食品。食得好未必要食得貴!


偶然機會逛逛觀塘裕民坊清拆後附近狀況,走上瑞和街街市上邊才發現別有洞天。第一間發現並記錄下來的,便是這 上海 榮華川菜館。為甚麼有上海?是源自該地嗎?但菜式根據名字應是四川吧?小店位置不多,改天真的要叫朋友一起去試試。

冷氣電車 air-conditioned tram


tram with air-con? yes. years after the mtr island line extended into kennedy town, i finally got around to board it. i dunno how many of these prototypes exist, they look just like the renovated ones except the back roll was elevated, fitting the a/c unit underneath. check it out if you are lucky, it doesn’t cost you extra, still a modest hk$3 for a ride.


1 july 2023

free ferry ridefree talk (by a seasoned film
director, on blockbusters and charity work)
free tram ride

free sporting facilities (swimming for me)

my did-it list for the day, sin typhoon of course, unlike a year ago.