résumé de mi automne

on prend fin de septembre en affichant encore des photos de la fête de la mi-automne. en espérant que la sienne était agréable et colorée.

notez bien que la dernière photo date de trois ans. c’était une affiche pour la version montréalaise de la fête de lumière.

star ferry freebie again: dong guan bank 天星小輪免費 之 東莞銀行


more freebie for stay ferry, this time a bank from neighbouring dong guan’s hong kong branch/office’s first anniversary. let’s see if they have moeny to burn or advertise in the years to come.






壹佰蚊肆個 4 for $100

中秋節 2022 mid autumn festival

來去如風的中秋節過去了,九月尾聲的香港仍然是盛夏般乾煎酷熱。公園賞月的人水泄不通,比病毒折騰久了,不顧一切全家大細出動,前所未見的墟冚! covid or not that was the most i’ve seen such a jam-packed park on any given night during the year. this moon festival broke all personal obversation record for human density there! people really were having some quality time with friends and family while mesmerized by the full moon.

people mountain people sea (cantonese speak) 人山人海
mascots and carrots?

遠處入眼簾的明月 full moon far away

太多人風箏也放不了 / with so many people, no place for kite flying