三民主義 le triple démisme



dans l’epoque où des seigneurs de la guerre ont effectivement partitionné la chine dans les années 1920, cet enregistrement sonore de sun yat sen, promouvant le triple démisme et le texte traduit en français en 1924 documentent une chine au chaos. prèsque un siècle a passé, la vie des gens ordinaire a-t-elle été améliorée? je pense que chacun tient son avis au coeur.

suen wen

back to 2015

note  29 juillet 2018: J’ai trouvé ce brouillon parmi les autres dans mon compte wordpress, je ne sais pas pk je n’avais pas le terminer. En tout cas, comme la France est encore le sujet du jour, pour une raison violente à cause d’Alexandre Benalla, c’est une bonne occasion à mettre la lumière sur l’hexagone. Tous les textes qui suivent sont de 2015 (was the time the text  below was written, for whatever reason I didn’t publish it. The memories of former American state governors Cuomo and Richards,  unrelated to the violent acts on Charlie Hebdo in France, occupied my state of mind three years ago.

from / de 2015:

 je ne suis PAS Charlie

espérant que l’on ne devient pas tous Auschwitz!

2015 got off to a rough start. Mario Cuomo’s passing was almost hidden upder the radar screen in my part of the world, if not for a brief mention I didn’t know he was gone. Well it was my formative college years’ political figures like Koch, Dinkins, D’Amato etc.

I still remember the Frito Lay ad Ann Richards and Cuomo did, right after they both lost their governorships

The bloody insane killings in Paris catapulted people in putting their je suis / nous sommes signs, but pas charlie

what about the palestinian children killed in Gaza last year, or the Mexican students disappeared or presumably murdered? or victims of other atrocities? Sure some humans are more equal than the others and Bibi’s presence is always creepy!
heads of state match in Paris 2015

Netanyahu crashes Paris unity march, French gov’t fumes

but then akward stuff happen more often than you think, such as the bear hug between Obama (read Snowden, decline of civil liberties, amongst other achievements) and Modi (read 2002 Gujarat violence) or McCain calling protesters ‘scum’ for calling out Kissinger (who decades before Obama, is also a Nobel Peace Laureate). And yes, in my opinion both laureates should be held accountable for war crimes!

This month has seen various reports commemorating the 70 anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camps. To keep history from repeating itself is still like running on a treadmill.

Bumpy ride ahead, 2015!




好多睇現場直播嘅人都覺得日本對比利時個場十分精彩。比利時係落後兩球下追返並最後贏3:2真係唔簡單。之後佢哋對法國我當然希望小國贏啦(雖則比國都係冷血嘅前殖民地主-係剛果斬咗好多奴隸嘅手)。網上看見評論說經過兩年前的多次恐襲,這世界盃冠軍可算一點沖喜士氣,雖然我係francophile, (c’est strictement des pays et cultures franco-phones, pas au sens de la france seulement!) 但也不能”恭喜”法國,因為種族歧視的原因,還有其國家機器做嘅壞事-例如恐怖襲擊敘利亞(聽說所有導彈都被擊落)
