

我以前從未聽聞這齣戲。孤兒救祖 (1961) 從照片部分演員名單,再根據其中一個網上電影資料庫的記錄推算,應該是多套同名電影之1961年版本。http://hkmdb.com/db/search/results/FGzvMg6XCcvyI1BXa2NtAQ-1.mhtml



第三類接觸 close encounter of the third kind

有啲電影睇嚟睇去,都係睇唔明。close encounter of the third kind 第三類接觸 可以說是其中一。

小時候明珠台 http://programme.tvb.com/pearl 可能每一、兩年都會播放一次。話雖是syndication ,但我那時的年紀仍然太小,多年來轉台之間看過亦是不知所云!昨晚pearl又再播放,這麼多年後,焦點竟然落到法國導演 françois truffaut的身上。多謝維基百科,我才知道杜魯福客串了一角。另外令我記憶重新的是john williams的五個音 (first conversation) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AphKxQ2NsQo

(and a longer “conversation”)

maineland 尋岸 documentary

february 2021. prc and usa are still in a de facto proxy (trade) war with my hometown still pretty much in the eye of the storm. a timely yet interesting documentary from three years ago helps shed some light on a tiny morceau of the multifaceted relationship between the two peoples.

maineland saw the camera followed two young, wealthy chinese students stella and harry spending their last two years of high school at fryeburg academy in maine. the tuition fees stand at usd 50k in 2021. why is such an exclusive school so depended on international students from china? half of the international students in 2017 were from china. and why a socialist economy can export so many  “wealthy second generations” 富二代 in their foreign endeavors?

two years ago was the only rare occasion when i didn’t argue with my vietnamese friends that china wasn’t and doesn’t look anything “social” to me with not many nor not so few privileged citizens. and you have to ask why the most powerful country in the world keeps on exploiting the hard earn money of its arch rival.

if there is anything positive to report on, it is that stella and harry weren’t spoiled brats at all. i am not so sure about some of the other characters around them!

a must watch if you dig sino-american politics.

yes, we fuck

i will write a non-Chinese language review if time permits and my heart still at it, for the time being u have to settle on imperfect google translate

第二套睇嘅戲係yes, we fuck,內容探討身體不同能力嘅人的性需要 。

if you leave, omd

If you leave
, a number plays its visits from time to time in the airwaves resembling a not-so-distant relative. Whether it’s from the radio or boombox, in the car or at a fast food joint, I always allowed its melody in to my unsuspecting ears.   The music of the electronic 80s never falls out of favour,  I wonder if it has anything to do with the above PG-13 but not risqué at all lyrics.  Two other lame reasons for the song to occupy my brain space in me. Firstly, Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (OMD) has a Merseyside origin, and Liverpool was where I lived away from home for a long period of time (just over a year) the very first time. Secondly, although I have never watched “Pretty in Pink” from the beginning till the end, Molly Ringwald, Andrew McCarthy and Jon Cryer do appear various other works, “Brat Pack” or not, that I like.


tous les soleils

songs from “tous les soleils“, a film  with many italian references make me remember it to this date.  i dunno if i would have the same curiosity if i understand italiano and the various dialects / languages close-by.


“Luna Lunedda” (Pizzica) – La Tarantella: a very boisterous and joyous opening

with italianness exaggerated to hilarious proportions, perhaps to appease the residents of l’hexagone. the story took place in Strasbourg, centered on a professor of classical music to weave  a credulous storyline.

“Silencio d’Amuri” is a rather sad or romantic number towards the end.


quelle fin triste mais egalement musicale

sogna fiore mio

the film reminded me of yves montrand and marcello mastroianni who left their marks in french cinema. how many famous french actresses or actors can perform in spanish or italian anyway?


ps. if u speak italian, can u tell me if any of the songs were sung in dialects or languages other than italian?

海洋公園搞基!oh si gay l’océan park




une publicié homo de hong kong.

deux gars s’embrassent devant la colline de l’océan park d’aberdeen à hong kong. ça vous rappelle du infameux long métrage
‘happy together’ de wong war-wai

fréquenté par des milliers et milliers des touristes chinois, hétéro de plus. ce lieu est plus proche de euro disney à paris, dit familial que la ville sur-romantisée qui s’appelle buenos aires òu se trouvent les deux exilés hongkongais dans le film. c’est un changement de cible intéressant vers une clientèle plus diverse, même si hong kong reste une ville qui tiene toujours des valeurs conservateurs.

此colonia跟彼colonia la mala traduccion

colonia 雖然於西班牙語、法語colonie、英語colony理一看就覺得是殖民地,但在墨西哥城的不同區也會用colonia,意思大概和zona或barrio相近。由一個地區,變成羅馬殖民地,希望北京不會找馬德里和墨西哥城麻煩啦!

La Jaula de Oro (The Golden Dream)

films on immigrants will not be going out of style anytime soon in the 21st century even though we are almost through with the second decade.

why? people flee their homes because of economic difficulties, violence, war, environmental devastation etc. will continue to do so in foreseeable future, despite all the agreements, treaties and protocols signed.

La Jaula de Oro (Director: Diego Quemada-Díez, 2013) is the latest one i saw. a few teenagers from guatemala trying to ride the freight trains North to fulfill their golden dream. there were good people throwing fruits up to the dehydrated migrants on the slow moving train. unfortunately, more often the travelers were robbed, often at gunpoint. real cinema, real story, sad future that repeats.

the impossible

an ordinary name for a film that reenacted a very out of the ordinary event for those who lived through it. a 2012 spanish / american mainstream film production adapted from a spaniard family’s real account in the 2004 south-east asia’s indian ocean earthquake and subsequent devastating tsunami. the story revolves around the bennett family, whose mom and eldest son were separated form the dad and the younger two kids when the tsunami hit. the visual effects looked real and dramatic, with people and much bigger and at sharp debris bouncing back and forth in a gigantic whirlpool. naomi watts, whom i have been watching since her performances in 21 grams and king kong, gave a solid performance, with all the bruised make-up and such. her son in the film, tom holland, also delivered, with the scene reuniting with his two younger siblings especially touching. i dunno why the director casted ewan mcgregor, who just appeared a just tad too photogenic for someone running around in rags searching for his wife and kids.

the earthquake and tsunami were daily headlines for at least a few weeks for what i recall – my friend and i were glued to tv and interest newscasts re reports coming out nightly at home for much of the christmas and new year holidays then. what stuck me, apart from the good story-line (the real story can’t be bad, eh?) was the still the very european / white (well actually anglo, for the characters’ names were anglicized) narrative. the thai people were pretty much in and out of the background. perhaps the white privileged expats (an insurance company paid for medical evacuation flight to singapore for the five-member family at the end) did only hang out with each other, but this answers exactly the posts i ‘ve been seeing these days on “crazy rich asians” (the film) perpetuating stereotypes. society won’t advance unless diversity of storytelling take centre stage