Scammers sin frontera 欺騙無疆界

scamming without borders.
was that someone / many people trying to steal my whatsapp conversations by claiming a change in phone number? amazingly, these scumbags collaborate across time zones but in a sequential and synchronized way to make you fall into their traps. technology is no free lunch. use at your own risk.


whatsapp icon on their numbers

preaching bilingually for their scam!

passing of tv personality and anchor

passing of tv personality and anchor

hugh downs and regis philbin both passed away in July 2020. i am writing this not because i m a tv junkie. i am writing this because they were on the small screen when i first set foot in the usa. one was in more serious reporting as anchor of a news magazine, with his pre- and post-retirement years venturing more into  issues relating to senior citizens and gerontology. the latter was a staple of morning tv for years, the 9am eastern time slot on wabc tv in nyc. if i had any acculturation into the so-called american society, these two personalities did play their part.  people who appear on tv look like they are immortalized, but they aren’t. next year with be the 30th anniversary of my first arrival in the usa. thank you for informing and entertaining me in those early years.


2 Flatirons, 2 destinies

encore des fers à repasser (Flatiron)

another “flatiron” in Vancouver, BC, Canada 加拿大溫哥華一"熨斗"樓宇

another “flatiron” in Vancouver, BC, Canada 加拿大溫哥華一"熨斗"樓宇

cette bâtisse dans un coin anciennement défavorisé a vécu la gentrification (c’est à dire l’embourgeoisement) du quartier. Il y a de plus en plus des touristes qui la passent pour aller aux boutiques, aux cafés ou aux restos.


九龍大角咀也有熨斗唄 ONE of the Flatirons in Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon, HK

九龍大角咀也有熨斗唄 ONE of the Flatirons in Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon, HK



more flatirons in this blog from the past

光屁股 derrières

qui se ressemble s’assemble 6




看著瘦骨嶙峋的有點納悶,那麼 on s’en va vers l’exterieur

quelques derrières en plein air

quelques derrières en plein air

mais in front of the behinds, or should it be behind their front? sits a sofa, marvelled by the seemingly mal-nourished.

how come no one dare to put their butts on that chesterfield?

how come no one dare to put their butts on that chesterfield?

Is this another mockery at the Haves vs. the Have Nots? If I were the owner, I wouldn’t have a peace of mind sitting there, with the prying eyes behind me!
How would you interpret this? 你會怎樣評論這作品?

之前的 anciennement à qui se ressemble s’assemble 物以類聚

two stand-alones 兩棟獨立樓

separated at birth VI 物以類聚 6

Certaine tour résidentielle à Taipei, à quelques pas du centre-ville.



太平洋的另一端蒙特利爾的商業樓宇 l’autre coté en Amérique du Nord
une édifice pas loin du Quartier des spectacles, sur Sainte-Catherine, à Montréal

une édifice pleine de couleurs

une édifice pleine de couleurs

Les deux édifices sont suffisamment mignonnes, situées à quelques pas du centre-ville, leurs destins dans les prochaines années porteraient des surprises. On les revisitera!

more “separated at birth” 更多“物以類聚” les anciens “qui se ressemble s’assemble”:

1), 2), 3), 4)

birds of a feather X 5 – Holiday decorations

Continuing the wùyǐlèijù 物以類聚 theme, end of year means light pollution everywhere, literally! First in Beijing:

off WangFuJing in Beijing, Nov 2010

off WangFuJing in Beijing, Nov 2010

JoyCity, XiDan, Beijing 北京西單 大悅城 每年皆有大型燈飾。

JoyCity, XiDan, Beijing 北京西單 大悅城   2010-11

JoyCity, XiDan, Beijing 北京西單 大悅城 2010-11

pouring holiday spirit onto the pavement:

Is that Willy Wonka's hat?

Is that Willy Wonka's hat?

and then there is Hong Kong

in Tsuen Wan

City Walk, Tsuen Wan

City Walk, Tsuen Wan

as well as in Langham Place, a mall in the extremely dense Mongkok 旺角朗豪坊

Ferris Wheel, part of a London theme installation, Mongkok 摩天輪 主題

Ferris Wheel, part of a London theme installation, Mongkok 摩天輪 主題

au milieu de Landmark à Central

Bisous à Lanmark, Central, HKG  置地廣場的吻

Bisous à Lanmark, Central, HKG 置地廣場的吻

a touch of white on the roof:



occasionally money saving displays give new meanings to “two birds with one stone”. Oh I really meant “two festivals in one set of lights”. Can you guess the second fest to come?

2 fests in one

2 fests in one

by the Star Ferry in Tsim Sha Tsui

la foule à l'Ocean Terminal

la foule à l'Ocean Terminal

Last but not the least, the conceptual artists must be reading my Gaudi related entries here and there.

Sagrada Familia in HKG?

Sagrada Familia in HKG?

so much for the decorations and happy 2011 everyone!

C’était le 5ème qui se ressemble s’assemble (birds of a feather 5 物以類聚)

臺灣的競選海報 affiche du scrutin à Taiwan

Les affiches partout pour le scrutin en novembre 2010 à Taiwan.
The omnipresent election billboards in Taiwan.

C’était le 4ème qui se ressemble s’assemble birds of a feather 物以類聚

瘋狂倒數 tick tick tick obsessed


剩下不到二十四小時  less than 24hr left

剩下不到二十四小時 less than 24hr left

先是2008年8月7日拍到的北京奧運剩下不到二十四小時的倒數 first, less than 24 hours left on the clock before Beijing Olympics were to start. Photo taken on 7 Aug 2008.

visitors' counter, Shanghai Expo  Aug 2010 年8月 上海世博入場人數

visitors' counter, Shanghai Expo Aug 2010

Then came the very pride Shanghai Expo with regard to their filling beyond capacity most of the days throughout the half-year run, except when typhoons came by to say hi.


臺北的花博也不甘後人 Not to be left hanging in the dust, Taipei will host

臺北的花博也不甘後人 Not to be left hanging in the dust, Taipei will host

Across the Taiwan Strait, Taipei International Flora Exposition 臺北國際花卉博覽會 opens its doors in ONE day’s time!

臺北花博倒數 Countdown to Taipei Flora Expo

臺北花博倒數 Countdown to Taipei Flora Expo

Bien sur, les jeux asiatiques 2010 à Canton ont leur propre compte à rebours.  Les portes ouvriront le 12 novembre 2010. 當然還有下星期開幕的2010廣州亞運。

Compte à rebours - XVIe Jeux asiatiques à Canton 2010 廣州亞運倒數

Compte à rebours - XVIe Jeux asiatiques à Canton 2010 廣州亞運倒數

我想起在紐約市的財赤鐘,像是第六大道的吧。如果那亦是倒數的話,美國便不必不負責地大印銀紙,世界和平“指日可望”也。Only if the National Debt Clock of the USA is also one of countdown, we wouldn’t have the Iraqi invasion, nor the American government printing Greenback IRRESPONSIBLY. We would have gotten world peace then hahaha.

USA national debt clock 紐約的美國國債鐘

USA national debt clock 紐約的美國國債鐘

previously on 之前的 物以類聚 birds of a feather

This has been birds of a feather 3 物以類聚. (qui se ressemble s’assemble 3)