84th Oscars

Les français doivent si fiers de leur culture, plus spécifiquement leur cinéma, lorsque la 84ème cérémonie des Oscars. Une production française – The artist, et deux autres productions américaines qui ont les thèmes

1) sur un des innovateurs du cinéma – Georges Méliès dans Hugo et

2) un fantasme sur Paris et quelques fameux resortissants américains à la ville de lumière des années 1920s dans Midnight in Paris,

sont dans le final de 100 mètres pour le meilleur film.

Georges Méliès -    Le Voyage dans la Lune

Georges Méliès - Le Voyage dans la Lune

Je n’ai pas assez de temps à voir The Artist avant la cérémonie, mais pour un film muet parmi les dix finalistes ne se répète pas comme la comète de Halley. Hugo, immergé en haute technologie de graphisme, porte une histoire qui m’attire petit à petit, étant donné que j’avais assisté à une conférence de digital 21 l’an passé à Pékin sur “Video art” dont le nom Méliès est entré dans ma tête. Ce prémier s’est manifesté encore dans le couvert de magazine Paroles de l’Alliance Française de Hong Kong.

French film paying hommage to American Cinema or American films centred on French themes – The Artist, Midnight in Paris, Hugo.

Young protagonists playing detective with traces left by parent – Hugo (again) and Extremely loud and incredibly close covered what I’ve watched prior to the ceremony this year. Perhaps I ‘ve screened too many arthouse type of late, so I have my biases and let see if the results with overlap my preference.

Jackson, Winehouse, Houston

Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse and now Whitney Houston are sadly pointing to a converging theme for certain PSAs.

My pick to share with my readers are:

If You Say My Eyes Are Beautiful – a duet from a couple of decades ago, it pops out from time to time on the radio when I was in North America, though not necessarily as often in Asia. If anyone would ever got a video version of the song, they should ping back at me on this blog. The chance is slim.

The 2nd selection is even older, probably equally not popular nor frequently heard. But then why do I have to select for my readers if they can get her more popular numbers from elsewhere.

If You Say her voice is Beautiful, all that’s left are the far reaching reverberations.

光屁股 derrières

qui se ressemble s’assemble 6




看著瘦骨嶙峋的有點納悶,那麼 on s’en va vers l’exterieur

quelques derrières en plein air

quelques derrières en plein air

mais in front of the behinds, or should it be behind their front? sits a sofa, marvelled by the seemingly mal-nourished.

how come no one dare to put their butts on that chesterfield?

how come no one dare to put their butts on that chesterfield?

Is this another mockery at the Haves vs. the Have Nots? If I were the owner, I wouldn’t have a peace of mind sitting there, with the prying eyes behind me!
How would you interpret this? 你會怎樣評論這作品?

之前的 anciennement à qui se ressemble s’assemble 物以類聚

No bloody wish

The political economy of the war on Iraq so reads the caption of the work by Elvis Cheung at a graduation exhibition I saw in Hong Kong in 2011.

If I were to make a wish for the year of the dragon, it would be quite appropriate to paraphrase the No Blood for Oil into
No blood for goods
No blood for food
No blood for toys
No blood for clothes
No blood for Consumption
No blood for Peace
No blood for benefits of the petite minority

The list elongates to infinity.

No Blood for Oil  - Elvis Cheung

No Blood for Oil - Elvis Cheung

If the absolute No appears unrealistic, can we at least get a bargin and swap “some sweat” for “NO blood“?