我不知道 Joyce Jonathan

如果不是友人相告她在北京春晚的表演,真不知道Joyce Jonathan 是誰,更不曉得她的單曲有一普通話版本。搞笑的是某些網民說聽到半分鐘才知道是唱中文歌 哈哈。大概是開始的旋律音節太多太快,頭幾句的一音一字都變成模糊一大片。聽下去,感覺倒不錯。


quelques fleurs à 3h du matin 凌晨三點的花兒


桃花 peach flowers

桃花 peach flowers

à 3 heures du matin, ils restent des fleurs de pêcher pour moins de $HK100. Moi j’ai ramassé quelques liliacées pour un plein $HK20, pas pire à commencer noctuellement l’an du dragon.

剩下的花不多 not much left at 3am

剩下的花不多 not much left at 3am

乾貨攤 還價 last call  for non perishable goods

乾貨攤 還價 last call for non perishable goods

龍年到 2012


from wooferten.org 's cny 2012

from wooferten.org 's cny 2012

if a so called “developed” economy can’t make sure its all citizens a decent standard of living, our Spring Festival would make no difference like the twisted Xmas and New Year, don’t you think?

protest SOPA n PIPA

WTF… the great firewall of china would have company?

Many websites are blacked out today to protest proposed U.S. legislation that threatens internet freedom: the Stop Internet Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA). From personal blogs to giants like WordPress and Wikipedia, sites all over the web — including this one — are asking you to help stop this dangerous legislation from being passed. go to americancensorship.org to take action.




Fine-tuning democracy means reality can’t measure up to artist’s utopia. Et la vraie démocratie t’emmerde toujours (comme la crise en Europe).

為民所治 為民所享 by the people, for the people

為民所治 為民所享 by the people, for the people

As of Janurary 2012, Taiwan is better off than Hong Kong or mainland.

Entré au 21e siècle, Taiwan a suivi quelques pas en avant, tandis que la Chine continentale et HKG, on prie pour ne pas marcher pas en arrière.

Shit White Guys Say… to Asian Girls

this video is relevant mainly for my friends and acquaintance in North America. It is in certain way funny but people ACTUALLY say those things re-enacted in the video. Cultural appropriation, a hot potato revisited from one of the many angles.

Fortunately most of the white people around me have some degree of cultural sensitivity. If not, they are hiding their bigotry pretty well LOL.

Yes, of course there are self-hating Asians (or should I say Asian Americans or Asian Canadians) who like to be appropriated or just wanna be “white”, but when people have identity issues and choose to live miserably, that’s non of my business hahaha.

And to those offended by this video, I tell ya I follow what
Eleanor Roosevelt had said:

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

mademoiselle, ou madame? politiquement correct

La fin de “mademoiselle“? Dans la circonscription de Cesson-Sévigné en France, le maire a supprimé le choix de “mademoiselle” dans les formulaires par seulement “madame“. Si l’état civil des hommes sont pas divulgué, pourquoi on le demande pour les femmes?
Est-ce un cas de politiquement correct ou un vrai progrès?

mademoiselle ou madame? 小姐 變 女士?

mademoiselle ou madame? 小姐 變 女士?

Une France de plus en plus diverse, les gais, les musulmans, les juifs en finance, la guillotine, les environnementalistes, peuvent-ils des idées qui t’emmerdent?

Reportage en anglais par BBC

un autre en français

Qu’en pensent des damoiseaux par rapport à ça?


Monsieur ou Damoiseau

Monsieur ou Damoiseau

from American Debt to Quoom1 & Jessica Latshaw

The irresponsibility of governments, corporations and individuals that lead us to this so called ‘global’ economic crisis, ironically satirized in this short film about. I won’t dampen your spirit forcefully (which you can through self-imposed S&M by watching the video linked above.) Instead, the clip below rekindles my love for NYC, a place where I lived on and off for almost ten years from the 90s right into the first few years of this millenium. I am biased, but just as expressed in the title of the video, not LA nor Wind city nor San Diego nor San Francisco nor Boston nor anywhere else in the USA would have that level of spontaneous vibrancy of strangers. Thanks in part, I believe, to the long gap between stations on the express D or A train running along Central Park West. I might not like America – random examples of political hegemony, or the quantitative easing externalising responsibilities to other countries or watching South Sudan oil like vultures and so on that would probably take an equal time since the very existance of the USA to list – but I still love NYC in 2012. How nice to see humanity at work on the subway, not to mention it brings back memories of subway rides between 125th Street and Columbus Circle.

drummer: Quoom1 on youtube
singer: Jessica Latshaw’s myspace, and blog: http://www.thislifeinwriting.com/

Any one wanna learn ukulele or drumming now?

Michael Jackson et Mao


Mao + Michael Jackson

Mao + Michael Jackson

Gerer la manufacture comme une école des pensées du président Mao.
Avec le statut de Michael Jackson, imaginez vous la réaction du président Mao s’il écoutait ses chansons. Peut-être Jackson s’amuserait six pieds sous la terre sur le fait que sa musique a pénétré la grande muraille culturelle de la Chine.

on new year’s day 2012

1.1.2012 in Hong Kong meant I had…

1. watched fireworks @ the strike of midnight 西曆年香港子夜煙花,倒是我第一次看

ICC in WKln displaying 2012

ICC in WKln displaying 2012

droplets alluminating IFC and environs

droplets alluminating IFC and environs

看完煙花看人造羊群 willingly herded like sheep in Central, Hong Kong after 5 minutes of fireworks

看完煙花看人造羊群 willingly herded like sheep in Central, Hong Kong after 5 minutes of fireworks

2. witnessed a guiness record made of 88 dragons waving continuously for five minutes, while the previous record was 50 something dragons at the same time. 去年舞獅,今年舞龍,為了爭取世界紀錄還是。。。?

domestic helpers sharing public space with festivities on their day off

domestic helpers sharing public space with festivities on their day off

主辦當局很緊張要破世界紀錄 organiser is anal retentive about breaking world record

主辦當局很緊張要破世界紀錄 organiser is anal retentive about breaking world record

3. occupied my own spot of the global Occupy movement, in this case Occupy Central HK, even though it was for a night, but I ended 2011 and started 2012 there. No the world won’t get any better with the environmental and economic chaos we have, but the problems weren’t created in a day, it might take a generation or a lifetime to clean up the messes. Being there kept me close to reality, even though i have my weakness still for consumerism and what not. 除夕夜到佔領中環過了一夜,反對百分之一的人控制百分之九十九的人的現象. 破壞環境、失業、經濟危機、日常生活的一體化、商業化,問題所在倒不必開宗明義!

"against capitalism", reads the banner

"against capitalism", reads the banner

kitchnette @ occupycentralhk.com + foreign domestic workers sharing space under HSBC

kitchnette @ occupycentralhk.com + foreign domestic workers sharing space under HSBC

wired @ occupycentralhk.com, 1 Jan 2012

wired @ occupycentralhk.com, 1 Jan 2012

tents provide relative comfort & shelter

tents provide relative comfort & shelter

these were of reversed order of importance cuz as we all know, going into 2012, humanity and planet earth are both messed up.