年糕 加 文字

說到農曆年的年糕,媽咪也是跟往年一樣買了快餐店大家樂的行貨,價錢也不便宜要hk$210 「椰汁蔗糖年糕 + 瑤柱臘味蘿蔔糕(1,2)」。食到過了初七人日,返工返學後,某超市另一隻行貨陳記終於減到40蚊左右一盒,好奇心下買來試試,見證一分錢一分貨,咬落去糕嘅粉好似較快餐店cdc為多,安慰是令母親覺得冇多花冤枉錢(8,9)。

其實過年前我亦去深水埗格過價,在常幫親嘅麵包舖買了較平$60一磅笑口棗,但冇買年糕。 在另一間買了80蚊個芋頭糕,可惜食完都冇影相。



free plants to take home, lunar new year 2023

mandarin (oranges) were not the only one discarded en masse on lunar new year’s eve. so were peach flowers (selling at one point for HKD20 a piece), dried sunflowers(向日葵) and daffodils (水仙花) without many bulbs that found themselves abandoned as well. i picked up some 水仙 for their fragrance and elegance. they are apt for a modest celebration.




new year 2023 in 7 frames

1 we started off with dinner in causeway bay after a short stroll at the "brands and products expo"

2 we then took the first 5x bus that came by to central pier to see how folks on the hk side get ready for their spots for the short lightshow.

3 icc lit up to send off 2022

4 and welcome 2023

5 and i managed to capture a shaky but lucky 7 displayed by hkcec counting down to new year 2023

6 there is a spiky star by a corporate sponsor on the root of ocean terminal, a relatively less crowded but still very packed place for ringing in the new year

7 festival goers coming and going in all directions along canton road, tsim sha tsui

wishing your 2023 a better one than 2022!