red blue green and cny






Lee Tung Ave, under the new year’s celebrative red was not quite it was for those small business owners and residents who got chased out of the area for this development. Now, full of roman alphabet signage next to the occasional, seasonal tradition chinese festivals’ decor, one must wonder how much of the original characteristics of the community have been preserved, if at all.

meanwhile, over the other side of the pond by  tsim sha tsui waterfront, setting-up and rehearsals for the lunar new year day parade and performances are underway.




galette bretonne

certains de mes amis savent que j’aime des petites pauses de collations. des biscuits, du pain, etc. parmi les biscuits, la galette bretonne me gusta mucha! les biscuits français sont pas mal cher ici (meme de marque industrielle comme casino). l’autre jour quand j’étais à shenzhen, j’ai tombé sur ces exemplaires de bon prix…


il faut souligner que ce n’est pas le prix que j’ai payé

et…ni celui-ci dessous


la photo n’affiche pas ici mais je vous dire que j’étais assez satisfait.  étant donné que l’empreinte carbone de la france à la chine est élevé, on pourrit dire que le prix ne montre pas le vrai coût attribué aux tous les parties impliquées.



venezuela, whom to trust?

a really depressing topic, given people don’t see juan guaido’s  ridiculous self-proclamation as president is an attempt of usa backed coup d’état. understandably, one might say, because mainstream media in usa and other nato states work like propaganda machines. however tale-telling finds and associations do appear, if one leaves no stone unturned. take this strange (or you might think outrageous) comparison to the 74th anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz camp and his thank you to the israeli pm.  if the war crimes committed to the palestinians serve well as an indicator, perhaps you will see through msm’s thick smog of fake news.


2019 year of the pig

2019一來到,某天發現舊區的兩家品店, 鋪天蓋地紅色貨物如花卉盛放,光明正大地提示大家農曆年就到! 紅色的不單是店舖,街邊檔寫揮春也生意滔滔!

a sudden blossom of red from the stores, on the streets, bravely remind us lunar new year of the pig is right around the corner, a week earlier than 2018, which sprinkle the locals a holiday spiritred