念倪匡 原振俠

像羅啟銳的秋天的童話, 倪匡的原振俠亦為我帶來紐約的回憶。本身不是科幻小說的擁躉,知道原振俠是甚麼那些年我還在紐約,朋友的弟弟對黎明十分迷戀,因此他的歌、他主演的電視劇我很自然接觸到。悼念倪匡的話容後再續,呢度考吓你認得出多少參演嘅藝人?

秋天的童話 an autumn’s tale

羅啟銳的秋天的童話(An Autumn’s Tale)應該也是佢伴侶/拍檔張婉婷的nyu畢業作,無論如何羅的離世,以及這片描述的紐約勾起我許多美好往事回憶。


2022七一回歸retrocession 1 july

2022年七一回歸當天的天氣跟同月下旬相比,簡直天淵之別。由天晴到下午打風、大雨,市面匆匆“收爐”,也許比下半月的連續兩個多星期酷熱警告來得舒服且較少展現氣候變化的惡果!the day of retrocession of Hong Kong, much of the festivities were cut short due to the typhoon signal; yet it paled when compared to the extreme heat wave for the last two weeks of july. typhoon and heatwave can both be the consequences of global warming!

freebie ferry ride

july 2022 in hong kong has been dotted with sporadic public transit freebies for various reasons. entering the second to last weekend of july under a two-week long and still incrementing heatwave, the terminal was quite empty at 11pm. nevertheless, i appreciate the freeride from the bank and the yarnbombing art display at the pier.


應應節 2022年內香港書展 蓮香月餅 嘅 時光隧道 裏 癸亥年 1983?價錢