occupy hong kong 2014 (i)

This might be the first in a series, for a duration not yet known, on the latest civil disobedience in Hong Kong in 2014. Let’s build up curiosity by looking at media, especially state media first!

Maybe Russia and China really are secretly in love, or are they not-so-secret buddies?

Russia Today said “protest turns violent” at the title of its piece posted September 28, 2014 16:33(Moscow time?)


even though it did use the words “pro-democracy” in the report.

Hong Kong police used tear gas and pepper spray on a crowd of pro-democracy protesters who ignored warnings and blocked the city’s main highway. The violence came after several days of student protests.

Meanwhile, China’s official news portal labelled the protest “spun out of control” http://www.china.org.cn/china/2014-09/29/content_33643206.htm

Agence France Presse en español wrote one of its headlines”

Manifestantes prodemocracia paralizan puntos neurálgicos en Hong Kong


Paralyse it we should, not neuro-logistical centre of Hong Kong, rather the injustice of puppet electoral systems, oligarchy and neoliberalism! Can we?

below: screenshot of online spreadsheet of the call for supply materials at the occupied sites
online spreadsheet of call of supply materials in the struggle

Écosse sous le microscope

Un pays Écosse libre?
Si c’était un jeu, les habitants du Québec et de la Catalunya seraient tellement jaloux de la situation à l’heure actuelle.

Personellement je pense que le Groenland a une chance plus solide avec le Royaume du Danemark que toutes les regions ou nations ou pays mentionnés ci-dessus.

Face au néolibéralisme, est-ce une vrai différence dans un Écosse indépendant? La vie des Écossais sera mieux? On ne sais plus, et on la verra!

Mon avis? Je n’aime pas des empires, surtout l’hypocrisie de tenir toujours Gibraltar et les îles Malouines ( ou Falkland Islands) et parler d’une société juste!

drapeau écossais

drapeau écossais

ole ola, mas nenhuma força

ole ola….

The dust has long settled after the World Cup 2014 in Brazil. Football aside, the theme song and its video really sounded and looked heavily American, albeit international production. So much for Brazil’s backbone of photographing and fingerprinting Americans visitors knocking on their doors on arrival, when it comes to big money, multinationals still dictate how events are run or sponsored. This couldn’t be truer weird and somewhat vulgar and definitely violent (towards the end) parody which par hasard caught my attention today:

So the Brazilians spent all that money, threw in some false pride, garnished with cultural absence and misrepresentations and topped off with some posh infrastructures, et Voilà! Who eventually would benefit? Wait, Rio will host the Olympics in less than 48 months and the story keeps on fermenting itself.

and here’s the NFL or Miami-like original jingle.