happy pride

watched six shorts by mexicanas (mexican women) for pride month in hong kong. here are my one liner comments
Carreteras – two girls showing true affection only when no one’s around
El Tigre y la Flor – the symbolic flowers and internalized homophobia among the guys
La Boda de Baba – a very hot mama (in-law) and the gay son-in-law was like what?
La Carta – two lovers reunited, stronger than ever
Smuack – very butch aunt with fulfilling / multiple parenting roles filled and her open minded (more so than the educators) niece
Victoria – trans man going through her biological pregnancy

hope you have exposure to or celebrated diversity in June and ideally everyday of the year, wherever you are!

bravo to mexico consulate for las películas, cerveza y popcorn.

wheel of fortune 幸運輪

an overflowing of colours at a local casino in macau, what money can/not buy you. money could have been taken from you there, fortune or not, if you are not careful or are out of luck.


加拿大 排華法 人頭稅 百周年 100yrs chinese exclusion act – canada – la loi d’exclusion des chinois 100ans

très peu de média en parlent la taxe d’entrée du canada, ciblée seulement les chinois, il y a cent ans, jour pour jour.

it’s kind of strange to see the filing on the government of canada’s website under parks canada, and as well, a loaded op ed piece coming from global times cn.

加拿大 排華法 人頭稅 百周年 政府和人民對此不公的歷史身上學到了甚麼?

且看一些剪報 / certains reportages notés / some media clippings

明報 > 新聞 > 加國新聞

國家確認華裔社區貢獻大 汲取教訓續抗擊仇恨歧視

星島 加拿大
【排華法百年反思(一)】華裔先僑為加國貢獻巨大 但系統性歧視至今仍存在

cbc calgary
Calgary’s Chinese community gathers to mark 100 years since ‘Exclusion Act’ passed

government of canada
Government of Canada commemorates the Exclusion of Chinese Immigrants from 1923 to 1947
From: Parks Canada

global times cn
Hypocritical for Canada to reflect on Chinese exclusion history while fueling China hostility

le lezard
Le gouvernement du Canada reconnaît l’importance historique nationale de l’exclusion des immigrants chinois
En lire plus: https://www.lelezard.com/communique-20921222.html

radio canada
Il y a 100 ans, une loi raciste

la presse
100 ans après son adoption
La loi d’exclusion des Chinois devient évènement historique national
