residual love

for my readers from random valentine pix. trashing these consumers driven love directly to the trash bin would be such a waste, hence they are here to finish off march 2023.

so reads the first one:

bring your girlfriend for 5% off,
bring your wife for 10% off,
bring both for a free meal.

such n such restaurant invites martyrs to the last challenge.

wishing u with overflowing love that u deserve!


office christmas party

i’ve seen it broadcasted on tv before although i didn’t pay much attention and watched only a few minutes of it. this time i sat for the whole 1 1/2 hours and was not at all disappointed. i love jennifer anniston for friends and jason bateman for the hogan family (not arrested development which i didn’t watch)

jason and jennifer didn’t disappoint but the surprise was the superb performance of almost all the cast members such as tj miller as the easy going, take nothing serious but kind hearted boss, jillian bell as the very menacing pimp, vanessa bayer as the very naive officer worker, courtney vance as the supposedly deal making business executive turned circumstantial cocaine user, kate mckinnon as the very strict hr manager with latent fetishes were all very funny in their roles well played.

it was time well spent even though it is springtime, not the christmas season.

art nouveau 新藝術

why would these pics warrant a mention? when my friend eavesdropped on a middle aged housewife murmuring to her hubby that there are naked photos by the toilets’ entrance. a big fuzz about nothing? cuz we have conservative perceptions of body images? that slight tangy touch to facilitate bowel and urinary functions of customers?


沖天大火災 towering inferno

this was towering inferno, tsim sha tsui, hong kong version. it happened in early march, at the site of the former marina’s club, currently redeveloped into a club plus hotel staged a non cinema version. given the proximity of various building nearby, it was a miracle nobody was killed in the fire.

重建中的 海員之家 加 酒店不知是否火燒旺地,但是三月初的大火波及附近四座大廈。幸好每有人因此死亡。從照片可見大廈鄰近建造很多,香港樓宇建得太密集!

慶餘年 送別 譚炳文


《慶餘年》 午夜時分重播 ,神怪背景下的劇情使我再次追看。內地有真實歷史框架的,不一定好看。反之天馬行空,又合理滲透現代用語和對白,倒有其引人入勝之處。跨越時空所以抄襲也變成無限創意、令人羨慕之天才。武功蓋世讓平凡人嘖嘖稱奇就是我再看的原因。

欣賞貓膩想像力(雖然到目前仍然未閱原文),欣賞改編成連續劇的高潮迭起,慶幸從幾十集裏能夠留下應景的截圖,彷彿跟"阿bing mun"道別。


francofonia en colombia

la fiesta de la francofonia en colombia? absolutamente si!

mars est le mois de la fête de francophonie à hong kong, ailleurs sans assez de soutien officiel c’est plutôt une semaine ou quand même une journée d’activités seulement. la surprise cette année est une télé-conférence que j’ai participée par zoom d’après un réseau universitaire en colombie. les discours ont été présentés majoritairement en espanol, ils étaient néanmoins informatifs en couvant les parcours professionnels des enseignants de français en colombie ou espagnol en france et l’évolution de l’OIF (organisation internationale de la francophonie) etc.

et chez vous, les francophiles ou les francophones, vous y en assisté certains événements pertinents?