fête ok, bêtise non 唔好樂極忘形

已經係第二次寫法國贏世界盃。唔係讚,仲可能係彈,視乎八卦返黎既資料。事緣決賽當晚居港法人組織 union des français de l’étranger (ufe) 搞嘅直播慶祝被酒店追收hk$40 000損壞物件嘅罰款。中文媒體可能冇乜點提,南華早報裏訪問ufe 主席說當晚給酒店消費hk$300 000,  (每人入場費hk$200)。如果大家花生友留意到之前發生gobee bike 撤出巴黎以至法國,或會覺得高盧人行徑有跡可尋。不過係外邊窺探he said, she said時,會否可能是酒店想要多啲貼士而鋸佢哋一頸血呢?如果你得閒冇嘢做,想做下福爾摩斯可以睇睇流咗出嚟啲相再下定論!

c’est la deuxième fois que j’écris sur la coupe du monde de football.

est-ce quelque chose dégueulasse  ou un hôtel qui ne pense que d’argent? les fans de les bleus à hong kong ont fait des dégâts lorsque la final en juillet. si c’était un groupe de chinois qui a créé la bêtise, ça serait finir par un tour des médias. mais on est à hong kong, ou la france a toujours le stéréotype de bons vins, de haute couture, etc.

pour être juste, je n’étais pas sur place, et le reportage sur scmp prend un ton comme la lutte éternelle entre la france et la grande bretagne.  mais si vous regardez des photos sorties en ligne, vous savez ma perception sans le dire!



the impossible

an ordinary name for a film that reenacted a very out of the ordinary event for those who lived through it. a 2012 spanish / american mainstream film production adapted from a spaniard family’s real account in the 2004 south-east asia’s indian ocean earthquake and subsequent devastating tsunami. the story revolves around the bennett family, whose mom and eldest son were separated form the dad and the younger two kids when the tsunami hit. the visual effects looked real and dramatic, with people and much bigger and at sharp debris bouncing back and forth in a gigantic whirlpool. naomi watts, whom i have been watching since her performances in 21 grams and king kong, gave a solid performance, with all the bruised make-up and such. her son in the film, tom holland, also delivered, with the scene reuniting with his two younger siblings especially touching. i dunno why the director casted ewan mcgregor, who just appeared a just tad too photogenic for someone running around in rags searching for his wife and kids.

the earthquake and tsunami were daily headlines for at least a few weeks for what i recall – my friend and i were glued to tv and interest newscasts re reports coming out nightly at home for much of the christmas and new year holidays then. what stuck me, apart from the good story-line (the real story can’t be bad, eh?) was the still the very european / white (well actually anglo, for the characters’ names were anglicized) narrative. the thai people were pretty much in and out of the background. perhaps the white privileged expats (an insurance company paid for medical evacuation flight to singapore for the five-member family at the end) did only hang out with each other, but this answers exactly the posts i ‘ve been seeing these days on “crazy rich asians” (the film) perpetuating stereotypes. society won’t advance unless diversity of storytelling take centre stage

三蚊雞太熟嘅香蕉 hk$3 overripe bananas


諷刺嘅係,最近播第二輯嘅 rthk 惜食地球人2 上一輯2016年有一集(食得唔好嘥)講到百分之五十嘅食物重種植到餐桌中間可能浪費咗 如果批發商、超市、等唔好帶頭唔靚唔要,又唔好賺錢賺到盡,擺到爛先至來減價,也許會互謂商家、消費者和環境三方面!

so i bought 7 or 8 very ripe bananas (half of them were shown in pic) for a dirt cheap price of hk$3, i.e. 0,3€, but am not at all thankful to the big name local supermarket chain, its store manager or the lady in charge of marking down perishable items. the fact is that those 50 or 60 or so overripe bananas sitting on the shelves would very likely end up in the landfill ‘cuz they really really didn’t look appetizing to the consumers, even the smart, money-saving housewives, grannies or bargain-hunting domestic workers. it seems maximizing profits is of paramount precedence that the store manager or person-in-charge wouldn’t lower price until the appearance turn customers off. this is false environmental consciousness from the merchants’ point of view. it might very well not existed at all, any sort of consciousness or conscience in a predatory merchant-consumer market. sad eh?